“Virtual Elmer” Project Envisioned

Gerry Hull, W1VE, writes on the YCCC reflector:

There’s a Facebook Group called “Ham Radio – New to the Hobby”.

I’ve seen many posts in this group with people stating “I’ve had my General or Extra for a while.  However, I’ve never had an HF QSO.”


– Don’t know how to use the radio.
– Don’t know the procedure for making a QSO
– Mic fright.
– Don’t want to screw up and get in trouble with the FCC.

Lots of these guys are outside any club territory.

So, I created a poll on that site this morning.   Here’s what I got for responses:

More than 56 people interested in getting into an online QSO  — in less than a day.   However, Jim, K1IR, pointed out it would be a much better process to combine some needy hams with some Elmers.   We can do this virtually.    A really good use of Internet technology.

So, I registered the domain virtualelmer.org   I’m going to use that to gather people and co-ordinate.

To be an Elmer, you’d need to have some form of Video Chat (Facebook Messenger, Skype, etc). and some time.   You could help the new ham understand how to use their rig.   How to connect an antenna.  How to choose what band to get on.

And most importantly, get on the air and help them with a First QSO — with you. If you are interested, send me an email and tell me of your interest. I’ll get you hooked up with some of these folks.  You set the date, time with them.

One Comment on ““Virtual Elmer” Project Envisioned”

  1. Bruce Blain comments on November 29, 2018 at 9:12 AM:

    Gerry – Nice idea.

    I’ve been an instructor for CW Academy for a while now, and I can tell you that virtual elmering works well. And one-on-one has to be better than a lot of the advice you find on facebook.

    Nice job.

    Bruce, K1BG

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