Wellesley ARS Meeting @ New England Sci-Tech, September 17, 2019

Dan Brown, W1DAN, writes in the Wellesley ARS’ The Spark Gap:

Our September meeting will be very different. We will visit New England Sci-Tech at 16 Tech Circle in Natick on Tuesday September 17 (https://www.nescitech.org/). Here we will have a short business meeting, then join Bob [Phinney, K5TEC] and his crew to enjoy what they are doing.

New England Sci-Tech conducts classes and workshops in electronics, space science, ham radio, astronomy, robotics, photography, coding, computers, Arduinos, game theory, 3D design, spooky music, wearable technology, telescope making, edible 3D, Cubes-in-SpaceTM,  kite making, quadcopters, battle-bots, and more. It also provides a Maker lab space and license classes in Amateur Radio.

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