Westford Foxes on the Loose, September 1, 2019

Andy Stewart, KB1OIQ, writes on the foxhunting list on September 1, 2019 at 11:24 AM:

The KB1OIQ 2m and 80m foxes have been deployed.  I will leave them out until Tuesday evening around 6 PM.  I’m 99% certain the 2m battery will last.  The lifetime of the 80m battery has been improved but only experimentation will  show me how long it will last.

The 2m fox frequency is 146.565 MHz. The 80m fox frequency is the TV color burst frequency:  3.5795 MHz.

Subtract 1 character from this encoded message to get the clue as to where the foxes are hidden.

Example:  TEXAS becomes UFYBT


KB1MGI: I still have your 80m fox receiver.  Please contact me so I can get it back to you.

Have fun and 73,

QSL Bureau Services at Northeast HamExposition @ Boxboro, September 7-8, 2019

Eric Wililams, KV1J, writes on the YCCC mailing list:

Next weekend [September 7-8, 2019] we have a QSL Bureau booth at the HamXposition/Boxboro show. Our booth will be next to the ARRL booth.

You can fund your Bureau account and get answers to your questions about the Bureau.

We will be accepting cards for the ARRL Outgoing Bureau at the booth. Please see the instructions on the ARRL web for sending your cards and the fee structures.  

There is also a simple form to submit with your cards found on the ARRL web. Fee payments can be done by check or exact change cash.

We are just collecting the cards for the ARRL so please give them to us with the funds etc. as if you were mailing them to Newington.

Also, we will be hosting the DXCC card checkers.  You will need to do the application process online before the show.  There will be a checker at the booth Saturday from about 11 AM to 3 PM and all morning Sunday. You can also leave cards with us for checking when the Card Checkers are not there.  You can authorize someone to pick them up for you or work with me for another way to get them back to you

73,  Eric  KV1J

W1 QSL Bureau Co-Manager