2 Comments on “W1HFN Fox is QRV in Littleton”

  1. Nick Mollo, KC1DKY, writes on the NEMass Foxhunters list on May 23, 2020 at 8:59 PM:

    I am happy to report that my daughter and I made the trip out today (it’s been a while since my car was driving that far), and not only did we enjoy walking the entire yellow trail, but we also found the fox. I met KD1D there as well.

    It was a beautiful day for a hike. I only caution anyone else going out to watch out for the poison ivy.

    Thanks for deploying it and 73,

    p.s. I’ll have to deploy my fox soon

  2. Barry Fox, W1HFN, writes on the NEMass Foxhunters list on May 27, 2020 at 3:15 PM:

    I retrieved the fox, and the finders were:

    K1IG George 5/23 at 1030
    W1FDR Bob 5/23 at 1200
    KC1DKY Nick 5/23 at 1739 and his daughter Tanya

    Hope you folks enjoyed your romp in the woods!

    Barry – W1HFN

    PS – When I opened up the box to disconnect the battery a million (well, maybe 50) tiny ants came scurrying out.

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