KD1D Fox is “Out and About,” June 11, 2021

Alan Hicks, KD1D, writes on NEMassFoxHunters list on June 11, 2021 at 12:07 PM: 

The  KD1D Fox is out and about Friday JUNE 11, 2021, operating on 146.565 MHz FM and is expected to be transmitting through Sunday, at least.  

It is located on LITTLETON Conservation land and can be heard from Great Road (Rt. 119) between Lake Nagog and Littleton Common.

The logbook is hidden nearby and should be easy to find.  Enter your Callsign, Name, and Time & Date found or email me a (small) photo at the address below.

A cryptic clue  (for those who enjoy these things) is “Happy Herder.”  Email me at kd1d@arrl.net if you need additional hints.
73 and Happy Hunting from  Alan, KD1D

One Comment on “KD1D Fox is “Out and About,” June 11, 2021”

  1. Alan Hicks, KD1D, writes on NEMassFoxHunters list on Jun 14, 2021 at 4:53 PM:

    I retrieved the KD1D Fox on Monday, June 14 around 3:00 pm. It was still transmitting, but with some distortion due to low voltage.

    It was found by:
    * K1IG, George on 11 June at 1:36 pm. (George was the only hunter to locate the log book in a split in the upright log nearby.)
    * W1FDR, Bob on 11 June. Bob sent a photo at 6:28 pm
    * W1MJ, Eliot on 12 June at 10:34 am

    I checked the fox box mid-afternoon on Sunday and found that the horizontal orientation resulted in a field strength distortion that seemed to make it more difficult to pinpoint, especially when I used dual antennas (with phase cancellation) in vertical orientation.

    73 de KD1D

    KD1D fox with horizontal antenna orientation

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