W1A/N6A Special Event Station: “Discover the HF Experience Event,” Elmer Call Up

Gerry Hull, W1VE, writes on the YCCC list:

Hi Folks,

For those who are planning to attend the Northeast HamXposition Sept 10-12, we are planning, as usual, a special event station.  Marty, NN1C and I will be spearheading the effort.

Rather than just a drop-by-and-say-hi/Quick QSO moment, we thought it would be great to turn this into another “Discover the HF Experience” activity.  If you remember, this was done in the past by both YCCC and a group of contest clubs at the Dayton Hamvention.  It was a great success. 

So, this year, at HamXposition, we will have three operating positions.  Two of the stations will be remote, and the third will be a local station at the Xposition, with dipole antennas.

We are excited to show hams what shortwave radio is, and especially what it is like in 2021.  We would like to give new hams/non-hams at least a taste for what HF radio is, and why we get so excited about it.   We have two fantastic superstations for our remote operations, and they should excite both old and new!

What we need is some of your expertise and time.  A new ham or someone interested in the hobby can read books till they are blue in the face — but what they can learn from an Elmer will stay with them forever.

I have a sign-up sheet for Elmers.  You sign up for any of the three stations in half-hour increments.  We will have another public signup sheet for those new-hams/non-hams/shy-ops wishing to participate.    Perhaps you will come and just explain what HF is all about, perhaps make a QSO or two, or just enjoy some operating time.   However, explaining what we do and how we do it should be our primary focus.

If you do not want to operate — come by and be an ambassador for our hobby.

We will be setting aside some specific times where we will simply talk to the crowd, and answer lots of specific questions. What’s SSB?  What’s CW?  What’s Digital?  What are the HF bands? What is a remote station? Etc. 

Here is the sign-up sheet:


(It is only open to YCCC mail members.  If you can figure out how to share publicly, let me know.)

The hours are:

  • Friday 6pm – Midnight
  • Sat: 9am – Midnight
  • Sun: 9am – 12 noon

About the stations:

The local station will be a 100w station with low dipoles, located on the property, signing W1A.

W1A@W1KM Cape Cod, Massachusetts Remote:

Greg has graciously given us permission to use his station.  It is one of the premiere HF contest stations on the east coast, with antennas literally sitting on the Cape Cod bay. 

N6A@WA6TQT Anza, California Remote:

My good friends who are the owners/supporters of WA6TQT (ex W6BH Radio Ranch) have graciously offered the Anza Superstation for this special event.   It has a commanding signal into the pacific (worldwide, actually) on 160-10m.

Please help!  If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to ask.


Gerry W1VE

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