Tate Aldridge, K1MKD, writes:
With Bruce [N9JBT], Mindy [KM1NDY], and Marc’s help (and flyers from Rusty and Bob), we are hosting a Jamboree On The Air for scouts in Lexington. We will have several radios out and will be making contacts and educating scouts about amateur radio. We would be very happy to see you there!
Lexington Visitor Center lawn, Lexington, MA
Saturday Oct 16
Scouts are coming from 1-4 and we start set up around 11 – STARS friends are welcome any time!
Tate, K1MKD
Mindy Hull, KM1NDY writes:
As many of you know Marc, AA1F, and I are joining Tate K1MKD and RadioMom (otherwise known as Bree, KM1CRO) along with Bruce, N9JBT, in the Lexington Town Common for the Scout’s Jamboree On The Air (JOTA).
Swing by and say hi, or alternatively look for us on the air. We will be operating from 1pm to 4pm, and calling CQ JOTA!
We are going to operating as K1MKD in the general and tech sections of the band and aiming for the following Scouting frequencies:
80M 3.94 (3.92-3.94)
40M 7.19 (7.18-7.2, 7.27-7.29)
20M 14.29 (14.27-14.29, 14.32-14.34)
17M 18.14 (18.14-18.15)
15M 21.36 (21.36-21.4)
12M 24.96 (24.96-24.98)
10M 28.39 (28.35-28.4)
6M 50.16 (50.16-50.2
We will try to monitor 146.52 and STARS Natick Repeater 446.325(-) PL146.2 in Natick as well.