George Allison, K1IG, writes on the NEMassFoxHunters list:
The days are starting to lengthen and that can only mean that fox-hunting season is getting closer! To help get us ready, I’ve scheduled a Webex video conference for all interested fox hunters on Tuesday, February 8, at 7:30 PM. If you haven’t used Webex, it’s very similar to Zoom; I’ll send out an invitation to the list with instructions and a link you can click on to join the conference. Feel free to forward the invitation to anyone you think would be interested in attending.
The February 8 date is flexible; if there aren’t enough attendees to support that date, I can re-schedule.
I haven’t finalized the agenda, but it could include these topics:
- Introductions
- Show and tell of foxes and antennas
- Discussions of fox-finding techniques
- Plans for the upcoming season. Suggestions for variations and improvements.
- Suggestions for recruitment and training.
If anyone has a discussion topic or wants to make a presentation, let the group or me ( know. We should be able to finalize the agenda by February 1.