Peter Doherty, KC1HHO, writes:
Amateur Radio operators need not be involved with the National Traffic Service (NTS) to send or receive radiograms. Official Relay Stations (ORS) as well as stations in training can “originate” your messages and get them into the NTS system. This can easily be done by finding out who a local ORS is and sending them your message via email, snail mail or even in person. This station will also communicate back to you any replies that your message generates. Best of all it’s all free of charge!!
So what kind of messages could be sent? Holiday greetings to family or friends, confirmations of QSO’s, notifications of awards or certifications from your club or special event, thanks you messages….anything actually, 25 words or less. Some NTS messages can be incorporated into brevity codes that reduce the word count. An ORS will be able to work with you to make it all happen.
The ominous possibility of communication infrastructure being compromised is another reason to rely on NTS to get your message through. The time is now to establish a trusting relationship with your local NTS stations and gain experience so that you’ll be better prepared for the future.
Incorporating radiograms into your personal and or club ham radio activities will provide another facet to the hobby. Once you’ve experienced the effectiveness of sending radiograms you’ll be amazed. Thousands of Amateur Radio operators participate in this system and you can too.
To get started utilizing the NTS resources in your local area contact Peter KC1HHO at