KM1CC On the Air for 120th Anniversary of Marconi’s Transatlantic Message


KM1CC towers
Built 1901- Marconi’s South Wellfleet Wireless Station, Wellfleet MA USA Grid FN51
(second set of towers shown in this picture, taken about 1910)

Station KM1CC will be on the air on January 18, 2023 from 1800 UTC – 2300 UTC.  

Wednesday January 18, 2023 marks the 120th anniversary of Marconi’s first transatlantic message from the USA to the UK. KM1CC will be on the air to commemorate this achievement.

“We plan to operate HF 20 M, 40 M, and other bands as conditions allow. Check for frequencies.”

The Marconi Cape Cod Radio Club is a special event club.  The club has several on the air events a year to keep the accomplishments and story of Marconi and his South Wellfleet Wireless Station alive.  This station is listed as a National Landmark on the National Register of Historic Places (1975) and is now part of Cape Cod National Seashore, a unit of the National Park Service.   When possible, KM1CC sets up a temporary radio station inside the park. 

Please follow us on our Facebook page: .

Algonquin ARC Flea Market, Marlborough, February 18, 2023

AARC logoThe Algonquin Amateur Radio Club will hold its Marlborough Flea Market on February 18, 2023 from 9:00 AM to 1:00 PM at the 1Lt Charles W. Whitcomb School, 25 Union St., Marlborough, MA. Talk-in is on N1EM/R 446.675 – (PL 88.5). Any COVID-related updates will be carried on the AARC website at

A VE session will be held beginning at 9:00 AM. General admission is $5. Vendor tables are $15 before February 10, 2023, or $20 at the door if space is available. Each table includes one admission.

For more information, email or visit

Special “Ad-Hoc” 6 Meter Net, January 4, 2023

Gene Balinski,  K1NR, writes:

Date: January 4, 2023 at 10:38:21 AM EST
Subject: Special Announcement 6M AM TONIGHT 01/04/2023


There will be a special “ad-hoc” 6m AM net tonight

Please join us at 9:30 PM (right after John Flood’s Swap Net the Waltham 2M repeater) on 50.400.

All classes of gear are welcome.

Hope to see you there.

Again, 9:30 PM EST Wednesday 01/04/2023 (02:30AM Thursday GMT) on 50.400 MHz



PS Be sure to let the old tube gear warm up and stabilize : – )

Happy New Year! – Massachusetts RACES & Eastern Massachusetts ARES Nets Will Be on Monday 1/9/23 Due to New Year’s Day Holiday Observed on Monday 1/2/23

Hello to all…

Happy New Year to all and thanks for all you do for RACES/ARES/SKYWARN in our commonwealth. A reminder that Monday 1/2/23 will be the observed state holiday for New Year’s Day for 2023 so the Massachusetts RACES and Eastern Massachusetts ARES Nets will be held on the second Monday of the month due to the holiday on Monday 1/9/23. We hope everyone enjoys the New Year holiday and will catch everyone on next week’s nets. Thanks to all for their support!

Eastern Massachusetts ARES Section Emergency Coordinator & SKYWARN Coordinator