We are still looking for volunteers for the upcoming road race in Gloucester the morning of April 2nd.
Here is some basic information for the race:
Specifics as to our posts and the race course map will be forthcoming. If you have preference for a position it will be first come first serve. So if you are keen on a certain post on the course please let Fred know as soon as you can!
The race season has snuck up on us this year. But, I hope we will still have an excellent turnout as always. Remember that those of you who contributed your time last season there is a CAARA race event t-shirt waiting for you with WA1ESU at the race start station.
Please let the special events leads know that you will be able to help out. Event communication members are asked to arrive at least a half hour before the start of the event to get final position and coordination from the leaders.
If you are interested or have questions please email wa1esu@comcast.net .
As always thank you for your participation, these events are so important to both CAARA and the Yukanrun team.
Brandon Hockle NQ1W
President CAARA