We will be having Field Day at Fair View Farm, 114 Boston St. Topsfield on June 23rd thru 25th! It is at the top of the hill just before the Topsfield Fair Ground entrance that we went to last year.
I am planning to present all our plans at the next [North Shore Radio Association] meeting on Tuesday, June 20th—even though it will be JUST before Field day weekend.
If you are planning to help or want to, please let me know, so I can include you in the few emails I am planning on sending out in the days before Field day 2023!
I have been talking to a few of you as we have been trying to get this year going. Thanks for your help and see you all soon.
Currently we are planning to make the site similar to last year with two or three operating positions. Food as always, and hopefully a great time operating on the bands..
Eric Horwitz, KA1NCF
North Shore Radio Association
email: ka1ncf@nsradio.org