Waltham ARA, Montachusett ARA Field Day in Princeton MA, June 24-25, 2023

2023 Field Day logoThe Waltham Amateur Radio Association is partnering with the Montachusett Amateur Radio Association  for Field Day, June24 – 25. We will operate on the summit of Mt. Wachusett in Princeton, MA. Setup will begin at 9 AM on Saturday, the 24th. We hope to have enough participation to support 3 HF stations and a VHF station, providing plenty of opportunity for phone, CW, and digital operation from 2 PM Saturday until 2 PM on Sunday. There will also be a  “Get on the Air” (GOTA) station for new hams, future hams, and any Technician class operator.

Field Day participation has numerous facets:

·        This is a wonderful opportunity to participate first-hand in an emergency communications preparedness event at a national level. 

·        Field Day provides a ready-made opportunity to introduce family and friends, to what we, as amateu rradio operators, find rewarding in these endeavors. 

·        It’s a perfect event to introduce young / new folks to the amateur service.

Come for an hour… or come for the whole event.  Combine it with a day out on the mountain.  Don’t worry about rain in the forecast… it’ll be warm, plus we all drip dry   

This is the first big chance, post-COVID, for a radio in-person social event!!

Looking forward to seeing you there.


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