It is that time again for NSRA to help out the Cape Ann Rowing Club
They again are putting on Blackburn Challenge a 16-mile ayak race around Cape Ann.
Date: 07-13-24
Time: between 7 am and 3 pm
Location: Around Gloucester, MA
We are looking for a bunch of hams to spend their day on case boats for health and welfare communications.
Come enjoy a day on the water, and do some ham radio on the side.
I know it seems early to be asking for an event in July, But I am going away for the week before, so I want to have all the paperwork done before I leave. That way I know we are all set for event day!
Please email me at: ka1ncf@nsradio.org if you can HELP us!
Eric Horwitz, KA1NCF
Cell: 978-828-0460