Don Rolph, AB1PH writes:
Happy New Year to all!
A number of amateur operators have been volunteering to be net controls for the monthly Massachusetts Emergency Management Agency (MEMA) RACES nets, However to ensure continuity and stability in operation of these nets we need more volunteers to be net control stations.
We have the following nets for which we need volunteers:
1) 80 meter voice net 6:45 PM
2) 80 meter NBEMS net 7 PM
3) Sector 2D VHF net 7:30 PM
4) Sector 2A VHF net
5) Sector 2B VHF
6) Sector 2C VHF net
7) Winlink net
If you are able to assist here:
– we have preambles and instructions
– we can assist you with coaching
Do try to volunteer if you can so we can have a strong base of operators as we enter the 2025 MEMA exercises.
Don Rolph