Affiliated Clubs

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Bruce Blain, K1BG
40 Blanchard Road
Harvard, MA 01451


Radio clubs are the life-blood of the Amateur Radio hobby service. An affiliation with a local club can bring us assistance and mentoring and lead to new friendships. Attending club meetings can complement our on-air relationships and bring a valuable social component to our lives.

Many clubs exist to promote the hobby in general. Still others exist to promote some specific purpose: contesting, public service, repeaters, an affiliation with a school or college, or a served agency like the American Red Cross or Salvation Army.

Benefits of ARRL Affiliation

Affiliating your local club with the ARRL affords you many advantages.

Mailing Lists

You can obtain mailing lists and printed stickers of individuals who are licensed in your area.

Club Commission Program

ARRL Affiliated Clubs receive a commission for every new ARRL membership and renewal they submit to ARRL Headquarters. Clubs retain a portion of the dues for each regular membership submitted to ARRL Headquarters.

ARRL Club Liability Insurance Plan

This comprehensive general liability policy provides coverage for lawsuits resulting from bodily injury and property damage at ARRL Affiliated Club-sponsored activities. This includes concession stands, dances, banquets, parties, auctions, raffles, picnics and meetings, to name just a few.

Ham Radio Equipment Insurance Program

No matter where you live, you could end up in the middle of a natural disaster. You may not be able to salvage what you had, but with the ARRL Ham Radio Equipment Insurance Plan you can get the help you need to get back on the air. Insurance is available to protect you from loss or damage to your amateur station, antennas and mobile equipment by lightning, theft, accident, fire, flood, tornado and other natural disasters.

Your scheduled mobile and home station equipment is covered on an all risk form which includes fire, lightning, wind, theft, collision, and other accidents and natural hazards. Loss or damage to antennas, towers or rotators is also covered. Coverage can be extended for computer software and hardware you have scheduled including related accessories.

Library Book Set

Image of ARRL library book setThis book set includes popular ARRL publications, intended for clubs or individuals that wish to make a gift to a local library or school. Only complete sets of these publications are available at the special price of $200 per set. Price includes UPS ground shipping throughout the 48 contiguous states, only. Call for other shipping options. Editions sent will be those available at the time the order is received. Publications and prices are subject to change without notice. This special offer applies only to orders purchased directly from ARRL.


E-mail Forwarding Service

electronic mail icon imageE-mail forwarding service is now available for ARRL affiliated clubs: Effective immediately, clubs affiliated with the ARRL can sign up for the League’s new E-Mail Forwarding Service. The forwarding–or alias–service is available at no additional charge for ARRL affiliated clubs.

Annual Report

Every ARRL club is eligible to receive a complimentary copy of the League’s Annual Report, which contains the business reports of the staff and Directors.

Referrals of Prospective Radio Amateurs

League Headquarters, in addition to providing a basic package of information to a prospective ham, will refer prospects to your club for follow-up and recruitment. And your club will be listed in ARRLWeb‘sclub search database.

image of a meeting gavelClub Gavel Competition

Only affiliated clubs are eligible for participation in the gavel competitions of the ARRL DX Contest, the ARRL November Sweepstakes, the ARRL VHF Sweepstakes and the 160- and 10-Meter Contests. For more information, see the Club Competion Rules.

QST Club Ads Discount

Your affiliated club may purchase advertising in QST at half of the going rate. Contact the ARRL Advertising Department for more information

Hamfest and Convention Affiliation

image of outdoor 2017 Boxboro Convention flea marketYour club hamfest or convention can be listed in the ARRL Hamfest Database.

Club Callsign

The ARRL can assist your affiliated club with station license application and filing procedures.


Special Service Club (SSC)

ARRL Special Service Club logo imageExceptional clubs who qualify for Special Service Club status receive the following additional benefits:

  • Special recognition in QST as they renew or become SSCs
  • Eligibility to appoint local Awards Managers

SSCs must meet the highest standards of Amateur Radio in areas such as:

  • new ham development and training
  • public relations
  • emergency communications
  • school club support
  • technical advancement
  • operating activities
  • annual reports

A club’s standing as a Special Service Club lasts for two years and can be renewed by application to the Affiliated Club Coordinator.

Special Service Clubs in Eastern Massachusetts

In Eastern Massachusetts, the following clubs currently qualify as Special Service Clubs:

PART of Westford logo Barnstable ARC logo
CAARA logo Falmouth Amateur Radio Association

Affiliated Clubs in Eastern Massachusetts

A New Eastern Massachusetts Club Service: Your Club on the Web

We understand it’s difficult to recruit and retain a webmaster for your club. In fact, some clubs’ web sites have fallen into disrepair.

That’s why we’re excited to offer this new service to ARRL affiliated clubs—a hosted page on the EMA ARRL web site. The address is of the form,<Your Club Name>. The pages would be maintained by our webmaster, with input from your club representative.

What would the page look like? We’ve set up an example featuring the fictional “No Name Amateur Radio Club,” at 

Questions? Contact webmaster Phil Temples, K9HI, at

Eastern MA Radio Clubs of Yesteryear

Like people, radio clubs are born and eventually they die. It is only fitting that we take a moment to honor these Eastern MA radio clubs of yesteryear that have enriched our lives. Would you like to contribute a recollection about a former club from years gone by?  Contact webmaster Phil Temples, K9HI, at

Affiliated Club Coordinator

The Affiliated Club Coordinator is the primary contact and resource person for each Amateur Radio club in the section, specializing in motivating, providing assistance and coordinating joint activities of radio clubs. The ACC is appointed by, and reports to, the Section Manager. Duties and qualifications of the ACC include the following:

  • Getting to know the Amateur Radio clubs’ members and officers person to person in his section. Learn their needs, strengths and interests and work with them to make clubs effective resources in their communities and more enjoyable for their members
  • Encouraging affiliated clubs in the section to become more active and, if the club is already healthy and effective, to apply as a Special Service Club (SSC)
  • Supplying interested clubs with SSC application forms
  • Assisting clubs in completing SSC application forms
  • Helping clubs establish workable programs to use as SSCs
  • Approving SSC application forms and pass them to the SM
  • Working with other section leadership officials (Section Emergency Coordinator, Public Information Coordinator, Technical Coordinator, State Government Liaison, etc.) to insure that clubs are involved in the mainstream of ARRL Field Organization activities
  • Encouraging new clubs to become ARRL affiliated.
  • Ensuring that annual reports (updates officers, liaison mailing addresses etc.) are forthcoming from all affiliated clubs.


See Also

Affiliated Club Benefits

Active Club Primer

How to Edit Your Club Listing

Find a Club Near You

Eastern Massachusetts Club Speakers List

Radio Clubs of Yesteryear