Reminder: Monthly ARES Net for December

Hello to all….

A reminder that the monthly ARES Net for December is rapidly approaching. The monthly ARES Net for December is Monday December 3rd, 2007, at 8:30 PM on the MMRA Repeater system. This is after the RACES Nets earlier in the evening.

Make the first Monday of the month, “Emergency Communications Night” and check into your local RACES Net and then check into the ARES Net on the MMRA Repeater System. We look forward to your participation and remember, we are always looking for Net Controls to run the ARES Net.

We will have several interesting announcements for the net that evening and we look forward to everyone’s participation. Updates will be posted via email and on the Eastern Massachusetts ARES Web Site at

Thanks for your continued support of ARES!

Respectfully Submitted,

Robert Macedo (KD1CY)
ARES SKYWARN Coordinator
Eastern Massachusetts ARES Section Emergency Coordinator
Pager #: (508) 354-3142
Home Phone #: (508) 994-1875 (After 6 PM)
Home/Data #: (508) 997-4503 (After 6 PM)
Work Phone #: 1-800-445-2588 Ext.: 72929 (8 AM-5 PM)
Email Address:

Reminder: Monthly Eastern Massachusetts ARES Net for November

Hello to all….

A reminder that the monthly ARES Net for November is rapidly approaching. The monthly ARES Net for November is Monday Monday November 5th, 2007, at 8:30 PM on the MMRA Repeater system. This is after the RACES Nets earlier in the evening.

Make the first Monday of the month, “Emergency Communications Night” and check into your local RACES Net and then check into the ARES Net on the MMRA Repeater System. We look forward to your participation and remember, we are always looking for Net Controls to run the ARES Net.

We will have several interesting announcements for the net that evening and we look forward to everyone’s participation. Updates will be posted via email and on the Eastern Massachusetts ARES Web Site at

Thanks for your continued support of ARES!

Respectfully Submitted,

Robert Macedo (KD1CY)
ARES SKYWARN Coordinator
Eastern Massachusetts ARES Section Emergency Coordinator
Pager #: (508) 354-3142
Home Phone #: (508) 994-1875 (After 6 PM)
Home/Data #: (508) 997-4503 (After 6 PM)
Work Phone #: 1-800-445-2588 Ext.: 72929 (8 AM-5 PM)
Email Address:

Boston Logan Airport/Eastern Mass. ARES SET Details for Saturday 10/27 at 10 AM

Hello to all….

The following is detailed information on the Boston Logan Airport Drill serving as the Eastern Massachusetts ARES Simulated Emergency Test or SET.

Date and Timeframe of Exercise

Saturday October 27th, 2007
Start Time 10 AM
End Time: 12:30 PM
Duration: 2.5 Hours
-Please allow time for setup/take down of any equipment during this exercise.


Eastern Massachusetts ARES will participate in the Boston Logan Airport Drill which will serve as the Simulated Emergency Test or SET for 2007. The primary support agency for this SET will be the American Red Cross. The Red Cross will be providing Mass Care operations on site at Logan Airport and will be activating 4 of its 5 field offices starting at 1030 AM and ending around Noon time. Those field offices include Cambridge, Waltham, Peabody, and Brockton and a communications test will be done between all of the field offices utilizing 47.42 MHz, 2 Meter and 440 Simplex along with local area repeaters. Eastern Massachusetts ARES has been requested to supply 1-2 Amateurs per field office except for the Peabody office where 2-3 Amateurs have been requested. Please do NOT self-deploy. If you’re interested in the deployment please contact your ARES EC or DEC for your area.

Concept of Operations

The concept of operations for this exercise will be to have Amateurs start on HF and their local SKYWARN and RACES repeater. From there, we will shift to simplex operations and then shift to the MMRA Repeater Network to round out the exercise. For the call-up via HF and on their local SKYWARN or RACES frequency, we will be looking to gather information on if this was an actual incident, what you’re availability would be to support the operation and in what capacity (i.e.: deployment to the airport, deployment to a Red Cross field office, net control, home station support etc.). No deployments other than the Red Cross field office deployments mentioned in the purpose section will be done but gathering the info on who is available for deployment will simulate real action. For the call-up on Simplex, we will gather any deployment information not already received by stations and also request signal reports on the Red Cross field offices for use by the Red Cross to determine if communications can be sustained over simplex either directly or through the use of relays.

Below is a rough schedule of repeaters and simplex frequencies to be tested:

1000-1030 AM: HF 3943 KHz and local area repeaters.
1030-1100 AM: 147.420 Simplex
1100-1130 AM: 446.000 Simplex
1130-Noon: MMRA Repeater Network


*–The 145.23-Boston Repeater, 3943 KHz HF and the New England Reflector network (EchoLink Conference Node: 9123 *NEW-ENG*/ IRLP 9123) will be monitored during this entire timeframe as control points for folks who cannot reach simplex or the repeater networks. This is particularly important for Amateurs in the Boston area who may only have HT’s or EchoLink capability due to antenna limitations/restrictions. The town of Bridgewater EOC will serve as the net control center and control point for these operations.

*–ARES DEC’s and EC’s will utilize their local SKYWARN and/or RACES repeaters as control points for those that cannot make contact via simplex. Check with your local DEC or EC for this information.

*–The Eastern Massachusetts ARES SEC will be located at the net control center at the town of Bridgewater EOC.

*–For the call-ups on Simplex, the Net Control Center at the Bridgewater EOC will act as the first center for call-up and the Red Cross in Cambridge will act as the second call-up. For the 1030 AM timeframe, the call-up will start with the town of Bridgewater EOC calling for general stations and then calling for the Red Cross field offices. This is because the Red Cross field offices will first test their capability on 47.42 MHz first starting at 1030 AM and then move to 147.42 Simplex when their 47.42 MHz test is completed. For the 11 AM Simplex test on 440 MHz, the Red Cross field offices will be called first to see if they can all be heard and can communicate with one another.

-The primary HF Net frequency for this exercise will be 3943 KHz with 7245 KHz serving as backup.

-We ask all participating stations to try all 5 frequencies even if they feel they cannot reach a specific repeater or don’t have reasonable simplex coverage. It will be a good way to determine the range of your station and holes in coverage when using this specific set of repeaters or Simplex. Use HF, VoIP and Digital modes as control points.

If you are participating and cannot or do not feel you can hit any of the slated repeaters, simplex or control points on HF, VoIP or digital modes, please contact your local ARES EC/DEC or SEC so we can assist you in some way to participate in this exercise.

The following are links to information on the Packet/Winlink system in the region that have frequency and usage information for those that would like to send message traffic during the exercise:

Winlink Information:

Packet Information:

There are additional local frequencies that maybe utilized in this drill at your local town/city level or at a regional level as another means to follow where the net goes for stations who may not hit the selected repeaters. Please contact your ARES DEC or EC for further information on additional frequencies that maybe utilized in your specific area during the drill.

This document could be updated again on Thursday October 25th, 2007 or Friday October 26th, 2007 after a conference call with the Red Cross if any changes are needed.

Respectfully Submitted,

Robert Macedo (KD1CY)
ARES SKYWARN Coordinator
Eastern Massachusetts ARES Section Emergency Coordinator
Pager #: (508) 354-3142
Home Phone #: (508) 994-1875 (After 6 PM)
Home/Data #: (508) 997-4503 (After 6 PM)
Work Phone #: 1-800-445-2588 Ext.: 72929 (8 AM-5 PM)
Email Address:
1 1

Boston Logan Airport Drill to Serve as Eastern Mass. ARES SET on Saturday 10/27

Hello to all….

Eastern Massachusetts ARES has been requested to support the Mass. Bay Red Cross for the Boston Logan Airport Drill for Saturday October 27th, 2007. This drill will be utilized for credit for the 2007 ARES Simulated Emergency Test.

Details for the drill and the work required is still being defined by Massachusetts Bay Red Cross and further details will be posted as they become confirmed. The timeframe of the drill will largely involve the morning hours possibly into the early afternoon. Specific details on the timeframe of needs are still being defined and will be made available in the next update. The drill will involve three components.

1.) Deployment of Red Cross resources to Logan Airport with Amateur Radio and 47.42 MHz communications. No ARES resources have been requested for this portion of the exercise.

2.) Brief Communications Test of Red Cross Field offices in Waltham, Brockton, Cambridge and Peabody. (Note: Peabody site is currently tentative but were assuming resources for this facility will be needed for the test at the present time.). ARES resources have been requested for this component of the exercise to assist with staffing of these field offices and to assist with relaying between field offices where required. Please contact your ARES EC or DEC if you’re available for this part of the operation. This component will involve 1 to 3 Amateurs for each red cross office and will involve operations some time in the morning and/or early afternoon hours contingent on when these Red Cross offices can be opened.

3.) Call-up of ARES resources via multiple modes to assess what Amateur Operators would be available to respond to this incident if it was a real situation. This is to qualify this drill as the ARES Simulated Emergency Test exercise for 2007.

Further details will be posted as information becomes available. Thanks to all for their support of Eastern Massachusetts ARES and Mass. Bay Red Cross in this exercise.

Respectfully Submitted,

Robert Macedo (KD1CY)
ARES SKYWARN Coordinator
Eastern Massachusetts ARES Section Emergency Coordinator
Pager #: (508) 354-3142
Home Phone #: (508) 994-1875 (After 6 PM)
Home/Data #: (508) 997-4503 (After 6 PM)
Work Phone #: 1-800-445-2588 Ext.: 72929 (8 AM-5 PM)
Email Address:

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Reminder: Monthly Eastern Massachusetts ARES Net for October

Hello to all….

A reminder that the monthly ARES Net for October is rapidly approaching. The monthly ARES Net for October is Monday October 1st, 2007, at 8:30 PM on the MMRA Repeater system. This is after the RACES Nets earlier in the evening.

Make the first Monday of the month, “Emergency Communications Night” and check into your local RACES Net and then check into the ARES Net on the MMRA Repeater System. We look forward to your participation and remember, we are always looking for Net Controls to run the ARES Net.

We will have several interesting announcements for the net that evening and we look forward to everyone’s participation. Updates will be posted via email and on the Eastern Massachusetts ARES Web Site at

Thanks for your continued support of ARES!

Respectfully Submitted,

Robert Macedo (KD1CY)
ARES SKYWARN Coordinator
Eastern Massachusetts ARES Section Emergency Coordinator
Pager #: (508) 354-3142
Home Phone #: (508) 994-1875 (After 6 PM)
Home/Data #: (508) 997-4503 (After 6 PM)
Work Phone #: 1-800-445-2588 Ext.: 72929 (8 AM-5 PM)
Email Address:
1 1

Cape Cod ARES Exercise: Operation Cyclone, Sept. 29

Cape Cod ARES logoCape Cod ARES will be holding an exercise called Operation Cyclone on Saturday September 29th, 2007 from 10 AM-Noon. The exercise simulates a Category-3 hurricane affecting Cape Cod and the Islands and is an “advanced” exercise testing out the skills of Cape Cod ARES with three field station setups along with EOCs and several regional hospitals staffed for support. [Details]

BARC ARES Participates in Strategic National Stockpile (SNS) Exercise

Hello to all….

Boston Amateur Radio Club (BARC) members who are also a part of Eastern Massachusetts ARES participated in an exercise on the Strategic National Stockpile which is a stockpile of medications in the event of a bioterror or pandemic flu type of incident. Below is a write-up from BARC Club member and Metro Boston ARES DEC, Blake Haskell-K1BTH on that exercise:

On Sunday September 23, 2007 members of the Boston Amateur Radio Club participated in a joint Boston Public Health Commission and US Postal Service test of medicine delivery. The exercise, which teamed USPS mail carriers and Boston Police Department Officers to insure security, delivered over 20,000 sample boxes of medicines. It is the City’s goal to provide medical services to residents as quickly as possible in the event of an emergency.

BARC members participating included Blake T. Haskell, K1BTH, who also serves as EMa ARES Metro Boston DEC; Jim Clogher, N1ICN; Mark Duff, KB1EKN; Eric Falkof, K1NUN; and Paul Olivieri, N1ZKR. The USPS Emergency Operating Center was staffed along with the Boston Police Department Unified Command Center and the areas around the West Roxbury and South End Post Offices. Communications were facilitated by the W1KRU repeater system operated by the Boston EMS Amateur Radio Group. There were no problems with communications and all amateur radio operations were carried out on UHF frequencies.

Other agencies participating included the Massachusetts State Police, Massachusetts Department of Public Health, US Postal Inspectors and various other city, state and federal agencies.

The exercise was deemed a success and was completed ahead of time. Some operational difficulties were identified and are already being addressed by BARC and the City of Boston. It is expected that other joint operations will be planned and BARC looks forward to working with our emergency management partners again.

Respectfully Submitted,

Robert Macedo (KD1CY)
ARES SKYWARN Coordinator
Eastern Massachusetts ARES Section Emergency Coordinator
Pager #: (508) 354-3142
Home Phone #: (508) 994-1875 (After 6 PM)
Home/Data #: (508) 997-4503 (After 6 PM)
Work Phone #: 1-800-445-2588 Ext.: 72929 (8 AM-5 PM)
Email Address:
1 1

Ham Assistance For Hospital EOCs Explored

hospital emergency room signSteve Telsey, N1BDA writes on PART-L:

Have you been interested in emergency communications but been put off by elaborate go-kits, working in rain and snow, and eating MREs? Would you prefer to work in a controlled environment where food was available and a minimal “kit” was required?

Several hospitals are looking for small groups (4-6) of hams to provide auxiliary communications in their EOCs. Yes, hospitals are putting together EOCs and adding communications like satellite phones and statewide medical network radios. However, they may need to contact other hospitals or MEMA. And they may need reports from people in the field about possible incoming patients.

Initial discussions are underway with hospitals. We are looking to establish pilot programs with a small number of hospitals. Interested parties should contact me rather than hospital personnel. One requirement the hospitals have is that the volunteers be committed to supporting the hospital and not have primary responsibilities to RACES, ARES, town emergency management, and the like. They can certainly work with other groups, but must be willing to support the hospital when needed. Another is that the hams participate in initial hospital training on basic procedures, undergo a background check (probably CORI), and take part in periodic drills.

Does working at a community hospital during disasters appeal to you? If so, please let me know at I’d like to hold a meeting in mid-October or thereabouts to go into more details and answer questions you may have.


Steve, N1BDA

Reminder: Monthly Eastern Massachusetts ARES Net for September

Hello to all….

A reminder that the monthly ARES Net for September is rapidly approaching. It was delayed one week due to the Labor Holiday last Monday to conincide with the RACES Nets which was also delayed one week for Labor Day.

The monthly ARES Net for September is Monday September 10th, 2007, at 8:30 PM on the MMRA Repeater system. This is after the RACES Nets earlier in the evening.

Make the first Monday of the month, “Emergency Communications Night” and check into your local RACES Net and then check into the ARES Net on the MMRA Repeater System. We look forward to your participation and remember, we are always looking for Net Controls to run the ARES Net.

We will have several interesting announcements for the net that evening and we look forward to everyone’s participation. Updates will be posted via email and on the Eastern Massachusetts ARES Web Site at

Thanks for your continued support of ARES!

Respectfully Submitted,

Robert Macedo (KD1CY)
ARES SKYWARN Coordinator
Eastern Massachusetts ARES Section Emergency Coordinator
Pager #: (508) 354-3142
Home Phone #: (508) 994-1875 (After 6 PM)
Home/Data #: (508) 997-4503 (After 6 PM)
Work Phone #: 1-800-445-2588 Ext.: 72929 (8 AM-5 PM)
Email Address:
1 1

North Shore ARES To Provide Limited Support to Peabody International Festival

Hello to all….

The following was posted to the North Shore ARES and North Shore Radio Assocation email lists by ARES Emergency Coordinator, Jim Palmer-KB1KQW:

Attention all North Shore Amateurs! We have been contacted by the City of Peabody Emergency Management department to provide limited support for the Annual International Festival to be held in Peabody Square on Sunday, September 9th from 11:30am until 6:00pm. This will be a relatively easy and informal event to support. All that is required is any amateur interested in attending the Festival is asked to bring their HT’s along with them and tune to the 146.88 (-) 118.8 PL NS1RA Salem Repeater. We will be looking for the following information…

– Check-in with us to tell us you are at the festival

– Check-out with us when you leave

– Watch out for Health and Safety…if you see something that requires attention…let us know!

Net Control will be operating at an undisclosed location. Due to the nature of the event, we are unable to discuss it over the air…so please do not ask, nor discuss it on air. However, if you would like to arrange to see our operation, please contact Jim or Eric IN ADVANCE (before the festival) so we can try to arrange that for you. Please note that we cannot guarantee these arrangements and may not be able to accommodate every request, depending on what is going on at the time.

If you have any questions about this event, please let either me or Eric know and we will do our best to answer them for you. I will update this e-mail next week if we get further information, and you can also visit for updates.

Thanks again to all for their continued help and support of North Shore ARES.

Jim Palmer – KB1KQW
North Shore ARES Emergency Coordinator
North Shore Assistant SKYWARN Coordinator


Reminder: Monthly ARES Net for August

Hello to all….

A reminder that the monthly ARES Net for August is rapidly approaching.

The monthly ARES Net for August is Monday August 6th, 2007, at 8:30 PM on the MMRA Repeater system. This is after the RACES Nets earlier in the evening.

Make the first Monday of the month, “Emergency Communications Night” and check into your local RACES Net and then check into the ARES Net on the MMRA Repeater System. We look forward to your participation and remember, we are always looking for Net Controls to run the ARES Net.

We will have several interesting announcements for the net that evening and we look forward to everyone’s participation. Updates will be posted via email and on the Eastern Massachusetts ARES Web Site at

Thanks for your continued support of ARES!

Respectfully Submitted,

Robert Macedo (KD1CY)
ARES SKYWARN Coordinator
Eastern Massachusetts ARES Section Emergency Coordinator
Pager #: (508) 354-3142
Home Phone #: (508) 994-1875 (After 6 PM)
Home/Data #: (508) 997-4503 (After 6 PM)
Work Phone #: 1-800-445-2588 Ext.: 72929 (8 AM-5 PM)
Email Address: