USCG Auxiliary Divisions 5 / 12 Radio Net 3 NOV 24
Joseph Fratto-K1UN – FCC General Radiotelephone Operator License writes:
The USCG Auxiliary Divisions 5 / 12 Radio Net was held this Sunday 3 NOV 2024 at 1015 hrs.
Check Ins: Radio Wilmington
Radio Roslindale
Net Control: Radio Waltham NCS
Traffic: The net was held. Stations were able to radio test their facilities. Signals were
L / C on the Roslindale repeater.
Auxiliarist Don Zidik acting ASC for Sector Boston sent an update of upcoming
Parades: Veterans Day – Boston 9 NOV 24 muster by 1030 and marching
1200 to 1400.
Thanksgiving Day – Plymouth MA. 23 NOV 24 muster by 0800
marching 1000 -1200 further info to follow.
Please be advised that the Boston CGX is not handling laundry and tailoring as a
new contract with a vendor was not renewed.
Uniform inspections are due by 31 DEC 24 please contact your FC.
The Division 5 Change of Watch is scheduled for Saturday 25 JAN 2025 at 1800
at the Old Colony YC in Dorchester.
Boat Crew Training is available please contact your FC or Flotilla FSO-MT for further
There are opportunities to assist the active duty side on the FRC’s and Stations. Please
contact Auxiliarist Zidik for further information and point of contact.
The ID machine is still down. If you need a temporary paper ID to get on the base please
contact Charles in DIRAUX office.
The NE Boat Show will be held on JAN 8 – 12 at the Boston Convention and Exhibition
Center. If you want to volunteer please contact Donald Zidik more info to follow as soon
as the contract is signed.
The “Auxiliary Net” on Ham Radio is going strong. Every Sunday at 1100 following the
USCG Auxiliary Nets. The Auxiliary Net is on the MMRA Minuteman Repeater Association
repeater network on Ham Radio. The net is going strong with a lot of check ins. This net
has been a great public relations tool for the District 1 North COMMS Program.
During the upcoming winter months the Division 5 Radio Net will be activating for the
purpose of SKYWARN as needed. We will try to schedule a SKYWARN training update
with National Weather Service NWS on Zoom conference.
The Net thanks all the members for their participation on all our various radio nets. As we
have said in the past the USCG Auxiliary COMMS are the only “Auxiliary” radio group that
is credentialed, vetted, has a security clearance, is uniformed, assigned a robust suite of
exclusive federal government frequencies, has a chain of command, trained, tested and
is part of Team Coast Guard.
Submitted: Joseph Fratto
FCC General Radiotelephone Operator License