New Eastern MA ARRL Field Organization Begins January 1, 2011

EMA ARRL logoEffective January 1, 2011, Phil Temples, K9HI, begins his two-year term as ARRL Section Manager for Eastern Massachusetts. A copy of his introductory text to all EMA ARRL members can be found at, along with his January Section News column.

Temples has retained some key section staff, while also appointing several new people. Staying in their current posts are: Affiliated Club Coordinator “Bo” Budinger, WA1QYM, of Westford; Section Emergency Coordinator Rob Macedo, KD1CY, of New Bedford; State Government Liaison Shawn O’Donnell, K3HI, of Framingham; and Section Traffic Manager Jim Ward, N1LKJ, of Raynham.

New staff named are: Assistant Section Manager/Youth Activities Jason Sample, KB1PQB, of Groveland; Official Observer Coodinator Ed Parish, K1EP, of North Reading; Public Information Coordinator Bob Salow, WA1IDA, of Natick; and Technical Coordinator Eric Falkof, K1NUN, of Wayland.

Temples has promised a more “club-centric” approach to structuring of the field organization, with emphasis on supplying affiliated clubs with more resources, recruiting more field appointments, and beefing up the local National Traffic System organization in the section.



Phil Temples K9HI has become the new SM effective January 1, 2011. Phil has served
in this position in the past and we certainly welcome him back. Phil has always been a
supporter of NTS and is already laying the ground work for finding ways to increase
participation in our Traffic Nets. This would include training sessions and working with
Ares and Races in ways that will benefit all. I know you will all give your best support to
Phil in the coming months. Happy New Year to all.


K9HI New Section Manager On January 1, 2011

EMA ARRL logo“[Section Manager election] ballots were counted and verified at ARRL Headquarters on Tuesday, November 23.

“In Eastern Massachusetts, Phil Temples, K9HI, will become the Section Manager on January 1. Temples, of Watertown, has served previously as the Eastern Massachusetts Section Manager for terms from 1994 through 1996 and again from 2001 through 2004. Temples was the only nominee for the position after present Section Manager Mike Neilsen, W1MPN, decided not to run for another term of office. Neilsen has served as Section Manager for two terms of office, from 2005 to 2006, and again in 2009 through the end of this year.”

-via ARRL News, 11/23/10

“Find Your Way” Guidance Appears on the ARRL.ORG Website

Find Your Way

Newington CT – The ARRL recently posted a special section to help users navigate around their new website.  The site is still not functioning without significant problems, but the ARRL now feels that it is time for general users to start their own journeys on the site.  Please click on the ARRL Logo on the top left of this page, and then click on this special logo on their site to begin your exploration and familiarization.

The hope is that the users will take the time to submit cogent observations and constructive suggestions for the improvement of the site.  Recently, Mike, K1TWF, at the recent NSRA meeting (please see story below), counseled this very point observing that persistence on their part would only go to help with rapid resolution.  It was also announced that Harold Kramer, WJ1B, ARRL’s Chief Operating Officer, stated that returning to the old format or running it in parallel with the new format is not a viable option.

During the same meeting, Mike, K1TWF, and Mike, W1MPN, were asked to explain the noticable decline in service in many parts of the ARRL organization.  W1MPN replied that the “all hands on deck” approach to solve the functionality problem with their new website undoubtably has contributed to this problem.  The SM reinterated that the section staff stands ready to help members address any pressing problems with Headquarters.   W1MPN stated that in the interim, this ( website will continue to have pertinent information and news for members use.

KA8SCP Appointed As Assistant Section Manager

EMA ARRL logoMike Neilsen, W1MPN has announced the appointement of Terry Stader, KA8SCP as an Assistant Section Manager to liaise with the northern districts.

“Stader will provide additional contact for clubs in Middlesex, Essex, and parts of Norfolk counties,” writes Neilsen. “He will also provide a terrific bridge between my staff and the RACES and MARS communities.”

The appointment is effective January 13, 2009. Now Powered By Drupal

DrupalAfter six years of operation using the phpWebSite content management system (CMS), this site is now powered by Drupal, a powerful, database-driven open-source system in widespread use on the internet. Over the next few days, you might see minor changes to the home page and some added functionality.

Thanks in large part to the efforts of Phil McNamara, N1XTB, thousands of posts from previous years have been converted over onto this new site. You may find a few things missing and/or broken links over the next few days, but we’ll endeavor to fix all problems you bring to our attention.

You’ll note that any web story links from the old site will automatically map over to the new site; e.g., a story with a URL of will display in your browser as So if you’ve linked to any of our stories, there’s no need to make any edits on your own site.

Old accounts have been removed, but you’re welcome to re-apply for a user account and comment on stories, or submit material for new stories to the site. Now Powered By Drupal

DrupalAfter six years of operation using the phpWebSite content management system (CMS), this site is now powered by Drupal, a powerful, database-driven open-source system in widespread use on the internet. Over the next few days, you might see minor changes to the home page and some added functionality.

Thanks in large part to the efforts of Phil McNamara, N1XTB, thousands of posts from previous years have been converted over onto this new site. You may find a few things missing and/or broken links over the next few days, but we’ll endeavor to fix all problems you bring to our attention.

You’ll note that any web story links from the old site will automatically map over to the new site; e.g., a story with a URL of will display in your browser as So if you’ve linked to any of our stories, there’s no need to make any edits on your own site.

The move to Drupal also fixes a major problem where accounts were restricted earlier in the year due to spamming. (See “Web Site Comments Feature Disabled“.) Old accounts have been removed, but you’re welcome to re-apply for a user account and comment on stories, or submit material for new stories to the site. 73, K9HI


In the Eastern Massachusetts election, Mike Neilsen, W1MPN, of Hudson, defeated incumbent Section Manager Art Greenberg, K1GBX, of Georgetown. Neilsen received 660 votes to Greenberg’s 224. Neilsen served as Eastern Massachusetts Section Manager from January 2005-December 2006. Just prior to his first term as Section Manager, he served as the Section Emergency Coordinator for the Section from September 2001-January 2005.

W1MPN Defeats K1GBX In Eastern MA Section Manager Election

EMA ARRL logoMike Nielsen, W1MPN, of Hudson, defeated incumbent Section Manager Art Greenberg, K1GBX, of Georgetown. Nielson received 660 votes to Greenberg’s 224. Neilsen served as Eastern Massachusetts Section Manager from January 2005-December 2006. Just prior to his first term as Section Manager, he served as the Section Emergency Coordinator for the Section from September 2001-January 2005.

Neilsen assumes the Section Manager leadership role on January 1, 2009.

–Thanks, ARRL

N1UMJ Nominated For 1RN Cycle 2 Net Manager

NTS logoJohn Miller, N1UMJ of Taunton has been nominated for the First Region Net Cycle Two Net Manager Slot.

In an email from the Chair of the Eastern Area Staff, Marcia Forde, KW1U, “After more than a year with no manager … we finally have a candidate for manager of 1RN cycle 2. John Miller, N1UMJ has been active on the net for some time now and has agreed to take the job.”

Forde adds that she’s “putting out a call” for further nominations for the job. But if none are forthcoming, KW1U is calling for Miller’s appointment effective July 1, 2007.

For more information on NTS nets, see the ARRL Public Service Communications Manual, section 2: National Traffic System.

KD1CY Appointed ASM

Eastern MA ARRL Section Manager Art Greenberg, K1GBX has announced the appointment of Rob Macedo, KD1CY as an Assistant Section Manager.

“I appointed KD1CY as my first appointment because of his talent, knowledge, and his ability to get the job done–fast and correctly, no matter what that job is,” writes Greenberg.

Macedo has held a number of positions within the ARRL field organization, including his current appointment as Section Emergency Coordinator. In addition, KD1CY serves as SKYWARN Coordinator for the Taunton, Massachusetts National Weather Service office.

“He is a young man with outstanding leadership, adds Greenberg. “For what I have planned for Eastern MA ARRL, I need a great second hand.”

New WMA ARRL Web Site Debutes

WMA ARRL logoThe Western MA ARRL section recently established a very attractive web site carrying news and information about section activities at a new domain address,

The site is administered by Assistant Section Manager Gil Hayes, WK1H, and is powered by the same content management system software as its Eastern MA counterpart, called phpWebSite.

Congratulations to all the WMA ARRL section staff who have contributed to this fine site!

New Eastern MA ARRL Section Manager Announced

ARRL flagAs reported on today’s ARRL Web (“New ARRL Section Managers to Take Office”) Arthur S. Greenberg, K1GBX, of Georgetown, will succeed current SM Mike Neilsen, W1MPN, who decided against running for another term. Greenberg will take office on January 1, 2007.

A ham since 1957, Greenberg has a background in electronics and worked in the computer industry for many years before retiring in 1993.

WA1IDA Resigns As Assistant Section Manager

It is with regret that I accept today the resignation of S. Robert Salow, WA1IDA.

As my “primary” Assistant Section Manager these past four years, Bob has been instrumental in serving as my backup. He’s provided me with sage counsel. Bob has served as an excellent sounding board for many ideas and projects.

WA1IDA has a very long list of accomplishments. He has served as President of the Middlesex Amateur Radio Club, and is the founding President of the Boston Amateur Radio Club. He is a founder of the Council of Eastern Massachusetts Amateur Radio Clubs (CEMARC). Bob has been an Assistant Director of the ARRL New England Division, and its delegate to the ARRL Public Service Advisory Committee.

WA1IDA was also elected Chairperson of the Massachusetts Voluntary Organizations Active in Disaster (MAVOAD) which supports the Massachusetts Emergency Management Agency (MEMA) for all voluntary agencies in the state. Bob has received training for all levels of the Incident Command System.

Please join me in thanking S. Robert Salow, WA1IDA for his long-standing service to the members of the Eastern Massachusetts ARRL Section!

New Section Managers Train In Newington

K9HI operating W1AWApproximately ten new Section Managers from across the United States attended a Section Manager’s Workshop September 17-19,2004 in Newington, Connecticut. The Section Managers heard talks from Headquarters employees regarding the various services offered by the ARRL, ranging from Field Services and Training to Certification and Continuing Education to Marketing and Public Relations. The SMs also received a large quantity of useful materials and handouts.

The weekend event included time for discussions about problem-solving and informal social networking, as well as an opportunity to tour ARRL Headquarters and operate W1AW. The SM Workshop is a regular event; it is held annually in Newington, Connecticut at ARRL Headquarters.

Also present was Eastern Massachusetts Section Manager Phil Temples, K9HI of Watertown. Temples, a three-term Section Manager, was invited by the workshop organizers to participate and to share his experiences as a veteran Section Manager.

[photo: K9HI on 30m cw in W1AW Studio One]