Find additional EMA Section News along with contact information for the EMA staff on our website <http://ema.arrl.org/>. News items for the EMA Section News may be submitted to <k1tw@arrl.org>



(from Rob, KD1CY, EMA ASEC)

Registration is open for Amateur Radio volunteers for the Boston Marathon. There are needs for 280 Amateur Radio Operators across the start, course, finish and transportation segments. Registration closes in early February. The volunteer registration link is at: <http://www.baa.org/races/boston-marathon/event-information/volunteer-information/volunteer-registration.aspx>


(from Marek Kozubal, EMA SEC)

Eastern MA ARES held a training session at the Walpole Council on Aging with over 60 amateurs in attendance. The training covered topics including: ARES, SKYWARN, RACES in MA, radio operation and net protocols, NTS, self-preparedness, and go-kits. Marek Kozubal, KB1NCG, EMA ARES SEC; opened the discussion before Rob Macedo, KD1CY, ASEC; Steve Schwarm, W3EVE, DEC; Marcia Ford, KW1U, EMA&WMA NTS Traffic Manager; and Frank O’ Laughlin, WQ1O DEC dug into specific topics.

Additionally, Alan Martin, W1AHM, ADEC; Darrel Mallory, K1EJ, ADEC; Jim Palmer, KB1KQW, DEC; Dan Howard, K1DYO, ADEC, Michael Leger, N1YLQ, ASEC, Don Rolph, AB1PH, EC; and Gardner Winchester II, KA1BTK, EC were in attendance to support and talk to participants. The ARES team is hoping to schedule more training classes in different parts of the section in the coming year.

Eastern MA/Cape Cod & Islands ARES will be holding an ARES exercise on the morning of February 10th. Details will be posted on <http://ares.ema.arrl.org/> as the date approaches. Aspects will include HF operation, VHF/UHF simplex and repeater-based operation, and other aspects practical to auxiliary and emergency communications.


(from Rob, KD1CY, EMA ASEC)

SKYWARN and ARES in Eastern Massachusetts was featured in an ARRL web story after the Thursday, January 4th major winter storm/blizzard that affected the region. That ARRL web story appears here: <http://www.arrl.org/news/radio-amateurs-track-major-east-coast-winter-storm>


Saturday, February 17, 2018, 9 AM – 1 PM, Marlboro, MA

Algonquin Amateur Radio Club


Sunday, April 8, 2018, 9 AM to 12 noon

Framingham ARA flea market at the Keefe Technical School.

Go to <www.fara.org/flea> for more info.


Tom Frenaye, K1KI, ARRL Director for the New England Division held a gathering of club presidents and section leadership on January 6 in Springfield. The focus of discussion was the upcoming ARRL Board meeting on January 19-20. This was an opportunity for clubs to provide input directly to our Division Director prior to meetings of the Board. If your club is not sending a representative, ask your club President to contact Tom at <k1ki@arrl.org> for an invitation to the next meeting in July.


The EMA staff held a meeting on January 23 in Bedford. Mike Raisbeck, K1TWF, New England Division Vice Director, updated folks on the recent ARRL Board meeting after which Bruce Blain, K1BG, informed the section staff on his research into the history of entry level licensing and how changes over the years have affected the ability to attract young people to the hobby.


Ed Parish, K1EP, our Eastern Massachusetts Official Observer Coordinator reports he responded to a survey from the ARRL committee looking at the future of the OO program. This ARRL committee will be making recommendations to the ARRL Board.


It was my pleasure to attend January meetings of the Clay Center Amateur Radio Club in Brookline and QRA in Reading. I also made a visit to Springfield to participate in the New England Cabinet meeting held by Tom Frenaye, K1KI. I then scheduled my own Eastern Massachusetts staff meeting in Bedford. Looking ahead for 2018, I anticipate a greater availability to visit clubs and attend meetings. Don’t be surprised if I drop by unannounced sometime too. I love visiting clubs. If you would like to schedule a more formal visit as part of your evening program, contact me at <k1tw@arrl.org>.


Algonquin Amateur Radio Club: <http://www.qsl.net/n1em/>

Their January meeting featured a presentation by Colin, W1DJR, on Radio Frequency Interference (RFI) at their January meeting.

Billerica ARS (BARS): <http://www.w1hh.org/>

The ARRL New England Division Vice Director, Mike Raisbeck K1TWF, is the guest speaker for the February 6 meeting of the Billerica ARS in Chelmsford. Mike recently attended the January ARRL Board of Directors meeting and will be providing updates on ARRL and the planning for this year’s ARRL New England Division Convention in September.

Clay Center Amateur Radio Club (CCARC): <http://www.cc-arc.org/>

Congratulations to the Clay Center Amateur Radio Club for hosting an outstanding meeting on January 16. There was very large turnout to welcome Mike Corey, KI1U, the ARRL Emergency Preparedness Manager. Mike spoke on the amateur radio response to Puerto Rico in the aftermath of Hurricane Maria.

Genesis ARS (GARS): <http://www.genesisars.org/>

Beginning on February 3, the Genesis ARS will offer Linux training and include Ham Apps bundled in the KB1OIQ Andy’s Ham Radio Linux package. The sessions are on the first and third Saturdays from 9 AM to 12 noon in the Plymouth Airport Genesis Meeting Room. Contact Jack W1AKN, Genesis ARS Project Manager, E-Mail: <w1akn@arrl.net>.

Framingham Amateur Radio Association (FARA): <http://w1fy.org>

The Framingham ARA (FARA) holds a net each Sunday evening at 7:30 PM on the FARA 147.15 MHz (no PL) repeater. All licensed hams are welcome to check in and participate in the “Ham Question of the Week.”

The Marconi Cape Cod Radio Club (KM1CC) planned an activation of the rare grid FN51 on January 18-19 with the call KM1CC to honor Marconi’s achievement of the first transatlantic radio contact on January 18, 1903. Planned operators: K1RV, N1NS, N1DC, N1VH, and K1WCC.

Quannapowitt Radio Association (QRA): <www.w1ekt.org>

QRA reviewed the results of their recent membership survey at their January 18 meeting. Section Manager Tom, K1TW, dropped by for an unannounced visit and enjoyed the meeting very much.

PART OF WESTFORD: <http://www.wb1gof.org/>

The January PART monthly meeting features Philip (N1DQ) Gladstone talking about the PSK reporter website, and the effects of FT8. Andy KB1OIQ, club president, reports he built a Cricket80a, which is an 80m QRP CW transceiver from the Four State QRP group. Andy mated it with an Arduino, added some simple circuits, wrote some code, and now he has a functioning 80m fox transmitter. John Salmi, KB1MGI, calls attention to the recent podcasts featuring Brent and Bryce on Ham Radio 360. Ham Radio 360 says “The Salmi Brothers are back to teach us about their educational development radio company, Faraday RF, and some of their outer space creations!” (these news items taken from the Part list and newsletter)

Wellesley ARS (WARS): <http://wars.krl.com/>

The February 20 meeting of the Wellesley ARS (WARS) will feature Charlie, WA3ITR speaking on “Digital Modes Part 2”. Congratulations to Dan Brown, W1DAN, WARS President; Tony Ruggello, K1CEI; Bruce Fleming, KI7VR; Dave Feik, W8JVY; Don Bumpus, KB1OTQ; and Bob, WA1UIY for their support given to the Soldering Workshop at the Zola Center last month. (Information via the January Wellesley Spark Gap


Waltham Amateur Radio Association: <http://walthamara.org/>

The Waltham Amateur Radio Association (WARA) web site has had an “extreme makeover” including a new URL. The project was started by new club member Joshua, K1BCN. Joshua, along with Mark, K1KGG, and Eliot, W1MJ, set up the new site using WordPress <https://wordpress.org/>. WordPress is “open source software you can use to create a beautiful website” and makes the WARA site very mobile-device friendly. WordPress sites are updated with just an ordinary web browser – no special software or coding skills required. W1MJ reports that he has even made some updates from an iPad.


Marek reports there are 670 registered EMA ARES members, 17 active nets and 5 DECs reporting in both November and December. Contact Marek KB1NCG, at <kb1ncg@gmail.com> to register with EMA ARES.


Contact Marcia KW1U, at kw1u@arrl.net or join one of the many nets below to learn more about traffic handling.

The National Traffic System (NTS) November Recognitions:

(1) Public Service Honor Roll (PSHR):

Recognition for December 2017: KC1CIC (150), N1IQI (130), KW1U (130), N1SYC (120), N1TF (115), W1RVY (100), N1LAH (100) and NV1N (89).

(2) Brass Pounder League (BPL):

Recognition for December 2017: KW1U, N1IQI.

See the monthly “Public Service” column in QST for more information about the BPL and PSHR recognitions.


EMA/WMA NTS Nets are listed below. Please support the nets and check in.

EM2MN 145.230 MHz 8 PM Daily

MARIPN 3978 KHz 6PM Tu, Th, Sa

HHTN MMRA Repeaters 10PM Su, M, W, F

CITN 147.375 MHz 7:30PM M, Tu, Th, Sa

MARI 3565 KHz 7PM Daily

CM2MN 146.970 MHz 9PM Daily

WMTN 146.910 MHz 10AM Daily

WMTN 146.910 MHz 1PM Daily

WMEN 3944 KHz 8:30AM Su

NEPN 3945 KHz 8:45 Su


Bill, W1KX, manages 1RN Cycle 4, the evening CW net. Bill reports in December there were 60 sessions, 183 check-ins, and the handling of 120 pieces of traffic.

Betsy, K1EIC, manages FRN Cycle 2, the daytime SSB net. Betsy reports in December there were 61 sessions, 252 check-ins, and the handling of 195 pieces of Traffic


From SEMARA, we learn of the passing of longtime SEMARA member William L. Vincent, W1POW of Dartmouth. Bill passed away at home on Sunday, December 31, 2017 surrounded by his family at age 92.

We have received a report from the PART OF WESTFORD email list on the passing of Zoel Sawyer, AA1HV (formerly KB1ABX for a short time). Zoel, as Westford resident from 1975 to 2009, was very active in PART and on the 146.955 repeater before he and Mary moved to Concord. Mary, his wife, passed away in 2015. Zoel loved music and was a musician in local bands.

From a member of the Cape Ann Amateur Radio Association, we learn that long time CAARA member Bob McKechnie, W1MVM passed away on Thursday morning, January 25, 2018 at Seacoast Nursing and Rehabilitation Center in Gloucester. Bob was a tail gunner in the Army Air Corps flying B-24 bombers in WW2 in the Pacific Theater. Active in CAARA, he was a skilled Extra Class Operator and was a regular with the Sunday Night Net until very recently. Bob was also a regular at the Rose Baker Senior Center. CARRA member W4RIG stayed in close touch with him until the week before he died. He will be missed by all who knew him. (Respectfully, Hank McCarl, W4RIG.)


Can be Spring be far away? Will the propagation improve? How will your fellow Eastern Massachusetts hams deal with February? Read about this and more just one month from now in the next edition of the Eastern Massachusetts section news!

Until next month,


Tom, K1TW


ARRL Eastern Massachusetts Section

Section Manager: Thomas D Walsh, K1TW

