Greetings All.

I hope you were able to attend the 2023 HamXposition the last weekend in August. It was thought by folks I heard from to be one of the best yet. There were so many interesting forums it was often difficult to decide which ones to attend. We held two traffic forums, one on NTS 2.0 where we learned about some of the projects of the NTS 2.0 committee, and one a Meet and Greet where we had the opportunity to see in person those we meet on the air and those who keep the NTS wheels rolling smoothly along.

Did you get to read the NTS article in July 2023 QST? Check it out on page 64-65. We’ve been promised there will be more articles in future issues of QST. Also how about the article in the July/August 2023 issue of On the Air magazine pages 26-28. Both magazine articles featured a picture of our own Ethan Hansen KC1OIP, busy at his home station. And oh yes, I hope you got to listen to the ARRL podcast, “When Messages Matter: Passing Traffic”, which aired on July 13, 2023 and which also featured Ethan. Can’t say we didn’t make the news this summer!

And speaking of news, coming very shortly will be the premier issue of the new monthly NTS Letter. It has already gone to HQ for final editing. The premier issue will go to all field appointees and will include information on how to subscribe. Our New England Director Fred AB1OC has been instrumental in helping us to get this spotlight on NTS a reality. It has been a long time coming. Many thanks to Fred.

Here is little preview of an upcoming project of the NTS 2.0 teams: We want to give recognition to those of you who give so much to NTS. We will be working with ARRL staff to help us provide certificates and awards for exceptional service to show appreciation for all you do.

Last but not least is my spotlight for the month, featuring Michael Ford WZ0C. Michael was first licensed in 1989 while in high school and quickly advanced to Extra class within a few months. Originally from the Midwest he came to the Boston area where he attended MIT and has spent most of his life in this area. While in the Midwest he worked in commercial radio and TV as an on-air personality and cameraman. His professional career is in Cybersecurity.

Michael enjoys many aspects of ham radio, particularly experimenting with digital modes including Packet where he operates a BBS, and he envisions and works toward a contiguous New England digital RF network built on AREDN, packet radio and other digital technologies. He participates in ARES and public service events and activates and hunts in POTA. He most recently built and runs the APRS NTS gateway(NTSGTE) which allows APRS users to enter message traffic into the digital traffic network.

We particularly appreciate Michael’s contribution to NTS where he has served as NCS for various nets and was instrumental, along with Jon N1ILZ in starting the Mass Rhode Island Digital Net (MARIDN), a section level NTS net utilizing NBEMS modes. Above all, Michael has been a great asset as an Assistant Section Traffic Manager, particularly helping to build on the relationship between NTS and ARES. With today’s greater emphasis on amateur radio and emergency communications this is a most important role. Many thanks to Michael for all he does for NTS.

Many thanks to all of you who participate and support NTS. The August report is below.

73, Marcia KW1U STM