Section Manager (SM) – Phil Temples, K9HI
Assistant Section Manager (ASM) – Jeremy Breef-Pilz, KB1REQ
Affiliated Club Coordinator (ACC) – “Bo” Budinger, WA1QYM
Official Observer Coordinator (OOC) – Ed Parish, K1EP
Public Information Coordinator (PIC) – Bob Salow, WA1IDA
Section Emergency Coordinator (SEC) – Rob Macedo, KD1CY
Section Traffic Manager (STM) – Marcia Forde, KW1U
State Government Liaison (SGL) – Shawn O’Donnell, K3HI
Technical Coordinator (TC) – Eric Falkof, K1NUN


Hurricane Sandy struck the Eastern Seaboard this past weekend leaving
massive devastation in its wake across the Northeast and Mid-Atlantic
states. According to the Washington Post, “The powerful storm has
claimed at least 51 lives and caused up to $20 billion in damage.

Closer to home, it’s hard to believe that with almost 400,000 power
outages across the Commonwealth of Massachusetts caused by Hurricane
Sandy at the height of the storm that we would be saying, “we were
lucky” but compared with portions of New York City and New Jersey, we
were indeed lucky. According to Eastern MA SEC Rob Macedo, KD1CY,
“Hurricane Sandy prompted an Eastern MA ARES stand-by and the staffing
of the MEMA Region Two Bridgewater facility, various city and town
Emergency Operation Centers (EOCs), shelters, and Red Cross chapters as
well as SKYWARN activation with operations at the Amateur Radio Station
at the National Weather Service in Taunton, WX1BOX.”

Hurricane Sandy also claimed a historic replica of the HMS Bounty along
with the lives of some of her crew on October 29. According to ARRL:
“Built in 1960 for a remake of the 1962 film Mutiny on the Bounty –
she sank off the coast of North Carolina as Hurricane Sandy made its
way toward New Jersey. Of its 16 crewmembers, the US Coast Guard
rescued 14. Bounty Captain Robin Walbridge, KD4OHZ, never made it to
one of the two deployed life rafts and is presumed dead. Claudene
Christian, who claimed to be a direct descendent of Fletcher Christian,
was unresponsive and passed away at a North Carolina hospital on Monday
evening.” The full story is at <>.

Roland Daignault, N1JOY fondly recalls his adventures with the Bounty:
“Farewell to an old friend. When the Bounty called Fall River home, I
led several ham radio events on board this great ship. I sailed up and
down Mt. Hope Bay many times, got to know the crew as friends, scoured
nearly every square inch of this ship from the top of the rigging down
to the engine room, stern to the tip of the bowsprit, and once was on
board during one hellacious lightning storm so bad we had arc flashes
jumping between our pieces of radio gear!”

Hurricane Sandy has blown by us now, leaving destruction and pain
behind in parts of our section. Public Information Coordinator Bob
Salow, WA1IDA asks this question: “Hams are known to have supported
much of the preparation, duration and recovery, but how do we get the
general public to know this?” If you know that ham activity associated
with this storm was covered on TV, radio, online, in newspapers, or any
of the public media, please email Bob at wa1ida at arrl dot net with
links or copies of such publicity. Bob adds, “If press releases were
sent and actually used in informing the public, please note this as

YCCCer W1KM suffered damage to his Marstons Mills antenna farm from
super storm Sandy. His 20-meter yagi was “dangling from the tower and
two of his 80-meter verticals were knocked down. Greg says, “The tidal
surge came within about 6 inches of submerging the 40-meter and
80-meter 4-square phasing/control boxes. These boxes are mounted on
poles about 6 feet above the marsh.” It was the highest tide Greg has
seen at his QTH since Hurricane Bob.

The airwaves were certainly buzzing with reports about the magnitude
4.0 earthquake that struck approximately 30 miles outside of Portland,
Maine on the evening of Oct. 16. The tremors were felt throughout the
Eastern MA section and much of New England.

The Cape Ann ARA is renovating the second floor of its club house in

The Barnstable ARC reports that David E. Moran, W1BSG, South Dennis
has become a Silent Key.

The South Shore Hospital Amateur Radio Club has been asked to help
provide communication support for a marathon in Plymouth on November 18
to benefit the Plymouth Area Coalition Food Pantry. Contact K1JRO at
oneilljr at gmail dot com if you can assist.

This SM visited some friendly folks at the October Mystic Valley ARG
meeting in Milton.

The Eastern MA ARRL staff will meet for its final 2012 quarterly
meeting on November 12 in Hopkinton.

Word on the grapevine: W1OD has spent quite a bit of time developing a
nifty shoulder patch design for K1USN!

Eight members of the Whitman ARC set up an Amateur Radio exhibit at the
Middleboro Fire Department’s Open House on October 14. According to
Bruce Hayden, NI1X, activities included: Morse code instruction for
kids, QSL card collecting, helping visitors to make on-air contacts,
sending radiograms, and a SKYWARN presentation. The group also
demonstrated foxhunting for project Life Saver, a wristband transmitter
for people with Alzheimer’s in conjunction with a receiver and a
directional antenna located at the Fire Station. Approximately 300-400
Middleboro residents attended the Open House event. (Thanks, Whitman
ARC Spectrum)

The Sturdy Memorial Hospital ARC will again provide communications
support for the annual North Attleboro Santa Parade on November 25,
2012. KA1IG is organizing the event for SMHARC and he’s looking for
volunteers. You can contact Bruce at ka1ig at verizon dot net, or on
the air on 447.975 or 147.195.

The Nashoba Valley ARC held its annual W1 Bureau QSL sorting party on
Oct. 22 in Pepperell.

FCC’s Notice of Proposed Rulemaking in WT Docket No. 12-121 seeks to
change the Amateur Radio licensing rules, especially as they concern
former licensees. If you haven’t already, be sure that you (and your
radio club) file comments on this important NPRM. Details are at

A hearty thanks goes to Mike Neilsen, W1MPN for his dedicated service
as Acting RACES Officer to the Commonwealth of Massachusetts. Mike
resigned from the position on October 16. He is “heading to new
volunteer challenges and retirement.”

KM3T presented this past month on the 2014 World Radiosport Team
Championship festivities at meetings of the Boston ARC and the Taunton

At the request of the Braintree Historical Society, the K1USN Radio Cub
set up and operated a portable HF and VHF station at Heritage Day in

A Plymouth Evacuation Drill will occur on November 7 as part of the
Plymouth Nuclear Power Plant Evacuation Plan. The exercise will involve
EOCs in the Towns of Braintree, Bridgewater and the City of Taunton.
Participants in this FEMA-graded exercise transmit formal and tactical
messages between the EOCs and the MEMA Region II Headquarters. The
145.39 Norwell machine will serve as the primary repeater for the

Ten PART members provided communications support for the Grace Race in
Chelmsford. According to PART of Westford President Andy Stewart,
KB1OIQ, “The event was a complete success, and the race director was
very pleased with the quality of our service.g Andy said that several
people “stopped by the NCS table to visit and ask about our

How’s this for a great fundraising idea? The Cape Ann ARA held a “two
meter repeater benefit movie night” on Oct. 20. They showed the movie
“Frequency,” starring Dennis Quaid in which a father and son solve a
murder mystery through time travel and Amateur Radio. CAARA asked for a
modest $5.00 donation per person for admission that included popcorn and
soda. Wow. You can’t get that kind of a deal in the movie theaters!

The Whitman ARC mourns the loss of long time club member and Silent Key
Walter A. Johnson, W1HA of Abington.

W1KM, W1HIS, and W1MJ were just a few of the many Eastern MA stations
operating in the CQWW SSB contest Oct. 27-28. N1SV of Townsend operated
as /VP9. The CW weekend will run Nov. 24-25.

W1NP will give a presentation and demonstration on Slow Scan TV at the
November 13 meeting of the Pilgrim Amateur Radio Club in Truro.

Dana Henrique, WA1KYU, will teach a Technician license class on
November 23-25 at Chatham Marconi Maritime Center. See

The Epoch Times carried a very informative story about a project to
interface iPhones using ham radio at a Makers Fair in Queens, NY, at

You can read a fascinating story about the life of Samuel FB Morse
entitled “The Man Who (Almost) Never Succeeded” at



ARRL Eastern Massachusetts Section
Section Manager: Phillip Temples, K9HI