Reminder: Monthly EMA ARES Net 11/7 8:30pm

…Please read below as we will be requesting new information after checkin on the net…

Hello to all…

We will be resuming our monthly ARES Net in November. The monthly ARES Net for November is Monday the 7th, at 8:30 PM on the MMRA Repeater system. This is after the MEMA Nets earlier in the evening. For frequencies that will be linked into the ARES Net on the MMRA Network, please see the following link from the MMRA web site detailing the repeaters that will be linked in through Hub 1:

Make this first Monday of the month, “Emergency Communications Night” and check into your local RACES Net and then check into the ARES Net on the MMRA Repeater System. We look forward to your participation and remember, we are always looking for Net Controls to run the ARES Net.

As part of our relationship with MARS and our own situational awareness gathering we will be asking for any known infrastructure issues that you are aware of. The information must either be personally observed, or obtained “over the air” via amateur radio. Items considered to be infrastructure include but are not limited to: electrical power, water, medical facilities, sanitation, communications, and transportation. Examples of failure would be: small or large area power failure, water main breaks, hospitals’ ER closed, sewage issues, TV/radio station off the air (including public safety),  interstate highway or major road closed. No known issues are just as important as reporting failures.

Additionally we are interested in relay of any weather information from airport ATIS/ASOS stations that you can directly receive via radio. These stations broadcast continuously in the 120.000 – 138.000 MHz frequency range using amplitude modulation. Information from the ATIS should include airport, temperature, altimeter (barometer), wind, precipitation, and visibility.

A list of stations with their frequencies and a map can be found at:

A brief introduction to ATIS can be found at:
A more detailed introduction to ATIS/ASOS can be found at:

We will have several interesting announcements for the net that evening and we look forward to everyone’s participation. Updates will be posted via email and on the Eastern Massachusetts ARES Web Site at

Thanks for your continued support of ARES!

Marek Kozubal, KB1NCG
EMA Section Emergency Coordinator

Reminder of Upcoming Events this weekend!

Hello to all from your EMA ARES SEC.


There are a number of activities coming up in the next few weeks so I wanted to make sure everyone was aware of them.

1) Our neighbors in NH are having a SET exercise on November 5th from 0800-1300 and are interested in out of area stations on HF, and VHF/UHF if you can reach them to simulate ARESMAT activities.


ARES NH web site:

2) During the NH ARES SET the Eastern MA hospital net will be happening at its usual time on 11/5 at 1000.


3) The monthly ARES net on the MMRA system will be on 11/7 at 2030. We will be continuning our added traffic passing of infrastructure reports (including all okay reports) and ATIS/aviation weather data relayed from stations that can hear their local airport weather stations over RF. This information will be relayed to MARS and Skywarn as a practice of passing situational awareness traffic. More details will be in the ARES Net reminder, or see last months ARES net reminder.

Thank you.

Marek Kozubal, KB1NCG



EM2MN 31 152 191 762 N1SYC 145.23 8 PM Daily
MARIPN 13 17 46 161 N1LAH 3978 KHz 6PM Tu,Th,Sa
HHTN 14 20 47 181 W1HAI MMRA Rptrs 10PM M,W,F
CITN No Report N2JWW 147.375 7:30PM Daily
MARI 31 120 161 641 KW1U 3565 KHz 7PM Daily
CM2MN 28 22 199 253 KK1X 146.97 9PM Daily
WMTN C1 30 6 420 480 N1QOV 146.91 10AM Daily
WMTN C2 28 5 207 205 N1YCW 146.91 1PM Daily
WMEN 3 0 71 NA W1JWN 3944 KHz 8:30AM Su
NEPN No Report N2JWW 3945 KHz 8:45 Su
KW1U 0 432 402 6 840 X
N1IQI 0 304 501 4 809 X
N1TF 0 160 185 16 361
KC1CIC 0 84 63 23 170
N1LKJ 0 55 82 2 139
W1RVY 0 61 63 1 125
AC7RB 0 28 39 6 73
W1PLK 0 15 7 15 37
N1LAH 0 17 13 3 33
PSHR 1 2 3 4 5 6 TOTAL
KW1U 40 40 30 0 0 20 130
KC1CIC 40 40 30 5 0 0 115
N1IQI 40 40 10 10 0 10 110
N1TF 40 40 20 5 0 0 105
W1RVY 40 40 20 0 0 0 100
N1LAH 40 33 20 5 0 0 98
AC7RB 36 40 0 0 0 0 76
KC1CIC 32 13 45
W1RVY 4 14 18
KC1EGK 0 8 8


Greetings all,
The month of September saw some notable changes.  On the down side, we lost one of our best traffic handlers when Jack N1OTC became a silent key.  He will definitely be missed.
On the up side, the Cape and Islands Traffic Net was reactivated thanks to Bob N1SYC.  This net meets Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays at 7:30 PM on the Falmouth 147.375 repeater.  Bob hopes to expand this net as more volunteers are found to assume Net Control.
The Heavy Hitters Traffic Net has added a night and now meets on Sundays, Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays.  Thanks to manager Joe W1HAI for encouraging new stations to step up.
The Mass Rhode Island Phone Net now has a regular check-in from West Mass, Mark WY1G, giving us a much needed outlet into the western counties of the state.
Thanks to all traffic handlers for your support.
73, Marcia KW1U STM East and West Mass

EM2MN 30 70 173 534 N1SYC 145.23 8 PM Daily
MARIPN 13 18 44 137 N1LAH 3978 KHz 6PM Tu,Th,Sa
HHTN 13 17 37 147 W1HAI MMRA Rptrs 10PM Su,M,W,F
CITN 13 12 41 193 N1SYC 147.375 7:30PM Tu,Th,Sat
MARI 30 123 114 563 KW1U 3565 KHz 7PM Daily
CM2MN 30 19 232 279 KK1X 146.97 9PM Daily
WMTN C1 29 6 348 522 N1QOV 146.91 10AM Daily
WMTN C2 30 2 246 238 N1YCW 146.91 1PM Daily
WMEN 3 0 68 NA W1JWN 3944 KHz 8:30AM Su
NEPN No Report N2JWW 3945 KHz 8:45 Su
KW1U 0 362 353 4 719 X
N1IQI 0 231 471 4 706 X
N1TF 0 106 130 11 247
KC1CIC 0 66 69 13 148
W1RVY 0 43 48 0 91
N1LKJ 0 26 40 2 68
AC7RB 0 22 33 1 56
W1PLK 0 8 5 6 19
N1LAH 0 10 6 1 17
PSHR 1 2 3 4 5 6 TOTAL
KW1U 40 40 30 0 0 20 130
KC1CIC 40 40 30 10 0 0 120
N1IQI 40 40 10 10 0 10 110
N1TF 40 40 20 5 0 0 105
W1RVY 40 40 20 0 0 0 100
AC7RB 40 40 0 0 0 0 80
N1LAH 28 17 20 15 0 0 80
N1LKJ 25 40 10 0 0 0 75
K1BML 28 0 10 35 0 0 73
KW1U 1627 1535 3162
KC1CIC 39 37 76
W1RVY 4 13 17
KC1EGK 2 5 7

Reminder: Monthly EMA ARES Net 10/3 8:30pm

…Please read below as we will be requesting new information after checkin on the net…

Hello to all…

We will be resuming our monthly ARES Net in October. The monthly ARES Net for October is Monday the 3rd, at 8:30 PM on the MMRA Repeater system. This is after the MEMA Nets earlier in the evening. For frequencies that will be linked into the ARES Net on the MMRA Network, please see the following link from the MMRA web site detailing the repeaters that will be linked in through Hub 1:

Make this first Monday of the month, “Emergency Communications Night” and check into your local RACES Net and then check into the ARES Net on the MMRA Repeater System. We look forward to your participation and remember, we are always looking for Net Controls to run the ARES Net.

As part of our relationship with MARS and our own situational awareness gathering we will be asking for any known infrastructure issues that you are aware of. The information must either be personally observed, or obtained “over the air” via amateur radio. Items considered to be infrastructure include but are not limited to: electrical power, water, medical facilities, sanitation, communications, and transportation. Examples of failure would be: small or large area power failure, water main breaks, hospitals’ ER closed, sewage issues, TV/radio station off the air (including public safety),  interstate highway or major road closed. No known issues are just as important as reporting failures.

Additionally we are interested in relay of any weather information from airport ATIS/ASOS stations that you can directly receive via radio. These stations broadcast continuously in the 120.000 – 138.000 MHz frequency range using amplitude modulation. Information from the ATIS should include airport, temperature, altimeter (barometer), wind, precipitation, and visibility.

A list of stations with their frequencies and a map can be found at:

A brief introduction to ATIS can be found at:
A more detailed introduction to ATIS/ASOS can be found at:

We will have several interesting announcements for the net that evening and we look forward to everyone’s participation. Updates will be posted via email and on the Eastern Massachusetts ARES Web Site at

Thanks for your continued support of ARES!

Marek Kozubal, KB1NCG
EMA Section Emergency Coordinator


I hope all are having a good summer, keeping cool and hydrated.  A lot has been going on within NTS over the summer.  Here in Massachusetts traffic handlers have been busy keeping the traffic flowing.  We’ve had some newbies to message handling which is always a welcome sight.  New folks are starting to learn and actually handle messages on the nets and through the packet system as well.  Training is available and we welcome and encourage more to get involved.  See Marcia KW1U or Greg KC1CIC for more information.

I’ve been informed the Western Mass Cycle 2 net which meets on the Mt Greylock repeater has increased it’s activity from five to seven days a week.  Great work Bruce N1YCW.  The Cycle 1 net has been operational daily for some time now thanks to Obie N1QOV.  Both nets are found on 146.91 Mt Greylock repeater, Cycle 1 at 10 AM and Cycle 2 at 1 PM.  Both have also seen an increase in traffic handled and are seeing new traffic handlers as well.  Hopefully some can be encouraged to also check into the Mass Rhode Island Phone Net which serves the whole state and meets on 3978 Khz at 6 PM Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays.  Anyone interested in CW is also welcome on the MARI CW net 3565 Khz daily at 7 PM.

As mentioned elsewhere on this page, the Cape and Islands 2 Meter Net should soon see a revival thanks to Bob N1SYC.  This net has met on the Falmouth 147.375 repeater at 7:30 PM.  Look for more information in the near future.

Below are the stats for July.  Thanks to all for your support.


EM2MN 31 70 195 593 N1SYC 145.23 8 PM Daily
MARIPN 13 17 36 144 N1LAH 3978 KHz 6PM Tu,Th,Sa
HHTN 13 19 55 173 W1HAI MMRA Rptrs 10PM M,W,F
CITN No Report N2JWW 147.375 7:30PM Daily
MARI 31 114 120 559 KW1U 3565 KHz 7PM Daily
CM2MN 25 22 159 232 KK1X 146.97 9PM Daily
WMTN C1 28 4 308 476 N1QOV 146.91 10AM Daily
WMTN C2 35 10 281 277 N1YCW 146.91 1PM M-F
WMEN 5 0 105 NA W1JWN 3944 KHz 8:30AM Su
NEPN No Report N2JWW 3945 KHz 8:45 Su
N1IQI 0 301 536 4 841 X
KW1U 0 318 321 3 642 X
N1TF 0 88 113 2 203
N1LKJ 0 49 61 0 110
W1RVY (KB1WXC) 1 34 42 2 79
KC1CIC 0 30 37 7 74
AC7RB 0 24 44 2 70
N1LAH 3 14 14 3 34
K1BML 1 9 4 7 21
W1PLK 0 2 4 0 6
PSHR 1 2 3 4 5 6 TOTAL
KC1CIC 40 40 30 20 0 0 130
KW1U 40 40 30 0 0 20 130
N1TF 40 40 20 5 0 0 105
N1IQI 40 40 10 10 0 0 100
W1RVY (KB1WXC) 40 40 20 0 0 0 100
N1LAH 40 34 20 0 0 0 94
N1LKJ 40 40 10 0 0 0 90
AC7RB 39 40 0 0 0 0 79

Reminder: Monthly EMA ARES Net 4/4 8:30pm

Hello to all….

A reminder that the monthly ARES Net for April is rapidly approaching. The monthly ARES Net for April is Monday the 4th, at 8:30 PM on the MMRA Repeater system. This is after the MEMA Nets earlier in the evening. For frequencies that will be linked into the ARES Net on the MMRA Network, please see the following link from the MMRA web site detailing the repeaters that will be linked in through Hub 1:

Make this first Monday of the month, “Emergency Communications Night” and check into your local RACES Net and then check into the ARES Net on the MMRA Repeater System. We look forward to your participation and remember, we are always looking for Net Controls to run the ARES Net.

We will have several interesting announcements for the net that evening and we look forward to everyone’s participation. Updates will be posted via email and on the Eastern Massachusetts ARES Web Site at

Thanks for your continued support of ARES!

Marek Kozubal, KB1NCG
EMA Section Emergency Coordinator

Reminder: Monthly EMA ARES Net 3/7 8:30pm

Hello to all….

A reminder that the monthly ARES Net for March is rapidly approaching. The monthly ARES Net for March is Monday the 7th, at 8:30 PM on the MMRA Repeater system. This is after the MEMA Nets earlier in the evening. For frequencies that will be linked into the ARES Net on the MMRA Network, please see the following link from the MMRA web site detailing the repeaters that will be linked in through Hub 1:

Make this first Monday of the month, “Emergency Communications Night” and check into your local RACES Net and then check into the ARES Net on the MMRA Repeater System. We look forward to your participation and remember, we are always looking for Net Controls to run the ARES Net.

We will have several interesting announcements for the net that evening and we look forward to everyone’s participation. Updates will be posted via email and on the Eastern Massachusetts ARES Web Site at

Thanks for your continued support of ARES!

Marek Kozubal, KB1NCG
EMA Section Emergency Coordinator

Reminder: Monthly EMA ARES Net 12/7 8:30pm

Hello to all….

A reminder that the monthly ARES Net for December is rapidly approaching. The monthly ARES Net for December is Monday the 7th, at 8:30 PM on the MMRA Repeater system. This is after the MEMA Nets earlier in the evening. For frequencies that will be linked into the ARES Net on the MMRA Network, please see the following link from the MMRA web site detailing the repeaters that will be linked in through Hub 1:

Make this first Monday of the month, “Emergency Communications Night” and check into your local RACES Net and then check into the ARES Net on the MMRA Repeater System. We look forward to your participation and remember, we are always looking for Net Controls to run the ARES Net.

We will have several interesting announcements for the net that evening and we look forward to everyone’s participation. Updates will be posted via email and on the Eastern Massachusetts ARES Web Site at

Thanks for your continued support of ARES!

Marek Kozubal, KB1NCG
EMA Section Emergency Coordinator

Reminder: Monthly EMA ARES Net 11/2 8:30pm

Hello to all….

A reminder that the monthly ARES Net for November is rapidly approaching. The monthly ARES Net for November is Monday the 2nd, at 8:30 PM on the MMRA Repeater system. This is after the MEMA Nets earlier in the evening. For frequencies that will be linked into the ARES Net on the MMRA Network, please see the following link from the MMRA web site detailing the repeaters that will be linked in through Hub 1:

Make this first Monday of the month, “Emergency Communications Night” and check into your local RACES Net and then check into the ARES Net on the MMRA Repeater System. We look forward to your participation and remember, we are always looking for Net Controls to run the ARES Net.

We will have several interesting announcements for the net that evening and we look forward to everyone’s participation. Updates will be posted via email and on the Eastern Massachusetts ARES Web Site at

Thanks for your continued support of ARES!

Marek Kozubal, KB1NCG
EMA Section Emergency Coordinator

Reminder: Eastern Massachusetts Hospital Net – Saturday October 4th, 2014 at 1000 AM EDT

Hello Everyone,

Net Control for the October 4, 2014 Eastern MA Hospital Net will be Charles Bresnahan K1CB. He will be conducting the NET from Falmouth Hospital. The net will commence at the usual time of 10am using the following repeaters in the order listed.

1. Sharon 146.865 tone 103.5
2. W. Bridgewater 146.775 dpl 244
3. Belmont 145.430 tone 67.0
Simplex 147.42

The Net will than return to the Sharon Repeater for final comments and Net closing.

NET Protocol: Please wait for Net Control to ask for Check-ins. When asked to check in please use the standard net check in procedure which is:   Here is.., un-key, wait 3 seconds to check for doubling, then give your or your facilities call sign, your first name, and your facility’s name.

We extend an invitation to the EOC of any city or town that is served by one of our participating hospitals to join the Net. We also extend an invitation to any RACES or ARES member to check in during the NET.

We are always looking for more groups or organizations to take Net Control duties. If you are interested please let us know. Our goal is to rotate Net Control practice and the experience among as many groups as possible.

Any hospital wishing to join the net that needs assistance with equipment or personnel should contact us at We can assist you with getting your location on the air.

We thank the repeater trustees for their generosity in allowing us to conduct the monthly nets and the use of their systems in an actual event. The following list of repeaters are available for our use. Only a few systems are used each month with the selection of those used made by Net Control for that month.  More systems are being added to the list on a regular basis.

Attleboro 147.195 tone 127.3
Belmont 145.430 tone 67.0
Bridgewater 147.180 tone 67.0
Danvers 145.47 tone 136.5
Dartmouth 147.000 tone 67.0 
Fairhaven 145.490 tone 67.0   
Fall River 146.805. tone 67.0
Falmouth 147.375 tone 110.9 
Mansfield EMA  446.925 tone 100.0
Mansfield 147.015 tone 67.0
Norwell 145.390 tone 67.0     
Norwood 147.210 tone 100.00
Plymouth 146.685 tone 82.5
Salem 146.88 tone 118.8       
Sharon 146.865 tone 103.5   
Weymouth 147.345 tone 110.9
W. Bridgewater 146.775 dpl 244
Wrentham 147.09 tone 146.2

We look forward to hearing you all on the Net.


John O’Neill

South Shore Hospital Amateur Radio Club – W1SSH

55 Fogg Road, Mail Stop #25
South Weymouth, MA 02190

Reminder: Eastern Massachusetts Hospital Net – Saturday September 6th, 2014 at 1000 AM EDT

Hello Everyone,

Net Control for the September 6, 2014 Eastern MA Hospital Net will be Charles Bresnahan K1CB. He will be conducting the NET from Falmouth Hospital. The net will commence at the usual time of 10am using the following repeaters in the order listed.

1. Bridgewater 147.180 tone 67.0
2. Dartmouth 147.000 tone 67.0
3. Falmouth 147,375 tone 110.9 
Simplex 147.42

The Net will than return to the Bridgewater Repeater for final comments and Net closing.

NET Protocol: Please wait for Net Control to ask for Check-ins. When asked to check in please use the standard net check in procedure which is:   Here is.., un-key, wait 3 seconds to check for doubling, then give your or your facilities call sign, your first name, and your facility’s name.

We extend an invitation to the EOC of any city or town that is served by one of our participating hospitals to join the Net. We also extend an invitation to any RACES or ARES member to check in during the NET.

We are always looking for more groups or organizations to take Net Control duties. If you are interested please let us know. Our goal is to rotate Net Control practice and the experience among as many groups as possible.

Any hospital wishing to join the net that needs assistance with equipment or personnel should contact us at We can assist you with getting your location on the air.

We thank the repeater trustees for their generosity in allowing us to conduct the monthly nets and the use of their systems in an actual event. The following list of repeaters are available for our use. Only a few systems are used each month with the selection of those used made by Net Control for that month.  More systems are being added to the list on a regular basis.

Attleboro 147.195 tone 127.3
Belmont 145.430 tone 67.0
Bridgewater 147.180 tone 67.0
Danvers 145.47 tone 136.5
Dartmouth 147.000 tone 67.0 
Fairhaven 145.490 tone 67.0   
Fall River 146.805. tone 67.0
Falmouth 147.375 tone 110.9 
Mansfield EMA  446.925 tone 100.0
Mansfield 147.015 tone 67.0
Norwell 145.390 tone 67.0     
Norwood 147.210 tone 100.00
Plymouth 146.685 tone 82.5
Salem 146.88 tone 118.8       
Sharon 146.865 tone 103.5   
Weymouth 147.345 tone 110.9
W. Bridgewater 146.775 dpl 244
Wrentham 147.09 tone 146.2

We look forward to hearing you all on the Net.


John O’Neill

South Shore Hospital Amateur Radio Club – W1SSH
55 Fogg Road, Mail Stop #25
South Weymouth, MA 02190

Reminder: Monthly Eastern Massachusetts ARES Net for July 2014

Hello to all…

A reminder that the monthly ARES Net for July is rapidly approaching. The monthly ARES Net for July is Monday July 7th, 2014, at 8:30 PM on the MMRA Repeater system. This is after the MEMA Nets earlier in the evening. For frequencies that will be linked into the ARES Net on the MMRA Network, please see the following link from the MMRA web site detailing the repeaters that will be linked in through Hub 1:

In addition, if the Echo-IRLP node on the MMRA hub is available, we will likely link that to the New England Reflector system on IRLP 9123/Echolink Conference *NEW-ENG* Node: 9123.

Make this first Monday of the month, “Emergency Communications Night” and check into your local RACES Net and then check into the ARES Net on the MMRA Repeater System. We look forward to your participation and remember, we are always looking for Net Controls to run the ARES Net.

We will have several interesting announcements for the net that evening and we look forward to everyone’s participation. Updates will be posted via email and on the Eastern Massachusetts ARES Web Site at

Thanks for your continued support of ARES!

Respectfully Submitted,

Robert Macedo (KD1CY)
ARES SKYWARN Coordinator
Eastern Massachusetts ARES Section Emergency Coordinator
Home Phone #: (508) 994-1875 (After 6 PM)
Home/Data #: (508) 997-4503 (After 6 PM)
Work Phone #: 508-346-2929 (8 AM-5 PM)
Email Address:

Reminder: Eastern Massachusetts Hospital Net – Saturday June 7th, 2014 at 1000 AM EDT

Hello Everyone,

Net Control for the June 7, 2014 Eastern MA Hospital Net will be the Brockton Hospital.  The net will commence at the usual time of 10am using the following repeaters in the order listed.

1. Plymouth 146.685 tone 82.5
2. Falmouth 147.375 tone 110.9
3. Sharon 146.865 tone 103.5
And than conduct a simplex test on 147.42.

The Net will then return to the Plymouth Repeater for final comments and net closing.

NET Protocol: Please wait for Net Control to ask for Check-ins. When asked to check in please use the standard net check in procedure which is:   Here is.., un-key, wait 3 seconds to check for doubling, then give your or your facilities call sign, your first name, and your facility’s name.

We extend an invitation to the EOC of any city or town that is served by one of our participating hospitals to join the Net. We also extend an invitation to any RACES or ARES member to check in during the NET.

We are always looking for more groups or organizations to take Net Control duties. If you are interested please let us know. Our goal is to rotate Net Control practice and the experience among as many groups as possible.

Any hospital wishing to join the net that needs assistance with equipment or personnel should contact us at or Carl Aveni at We can assist with getting your location on the air.

We thank the repeater trustees for their generosity in allowing us to conduct the monthly nets and the use of their systems in an actual event. The following list of repeaters are available for our use. Only a few systems are used each month with the selection of those used made by Net Control for that month.  More systems are being added to the list on a regular basis.

Attleboro 147.195 tone 127.3
Belmont 145.430 tone 67.0
Bridgewater 147.180 tone 67.0
Danvers 145.47 tone 136.5
Dartmouth 147.000 tone 67.0 
Fairhaven 145.490 tone 67.0   
Fall River 146.805. tone 67.0
Falmouth 147.375 tone 110.9 
Mansfield EMA  446.925 tone 100.0
Mansfield 147.015 tone 67.0
Norwell 145.390 tone 67.0     
Norwood 147.210 tone 100.00
Plymouth 146.685 tone 82.5
Salem 146.88 tone 118.8       
Sharon 146.865 tone 103.5   
Weymouth 224.580 tone 100.0
W. Bridgewater 146.775 dpl 244
Wrentham 147.09 tone 146.2

We look forward to hearing you all on the Net.


John O’Neill

South Shore Hospital Amateur Radio Club – W1SSH
55 Fogg Road, Mail Stop #25
South Weymouth, MA 02190

Reminder: Monthly Eastern Massachusetts ARES Net for June 2014

Hello to all…

A reminder that the monthly ARES Net for June is rapidly approaching. The monthly ARES Net for June is Monday June 2nd, 2014, at 8:30 PM on the MMRA Repeater system. This is after the MEMA Nets earlier in the evening. For frequencies that will be linked into the ARES Net on the MMRA Network, please see the following link from the MMRA web site detailing the repeaters that will be linked in through Hub 1:

In addition, if the Echo-IRLP node on the MMRA hub is available, we will likely link that to the New England Reflector system on IRLP 9123/Echolink Conference *NEW-ENG* Node: 9123.

Make this first Monday of the month, “Emergency Communications Night” and check into your local RACES Net and then check into the ARES Net on the MMRA Repeater System. We look forward to your participation and remember, we are always looking for Net Controls to run the ARES Net.

We will have several interesting announcements for the net that evening and we look forward to everyone’s participation. Updates will be posted via email and on the Eastern Massachusetts ARES Web Site at

Thanks for your continued support of ARES!

Respectfully Submitted,

Robert Macedo (KD1CY)
ARES SKYWARN Coordinator
Eastern Massachusetts ARES Section Emergency Coordinator
Home Phone #: (508) 994-1875 (After 6 PM)
Home/Data #: (508) 997-4503 (After 6 PM)
Work Phone #: 508-346-2929 (8 AM-5 PM)
Email Address:

Reminder: Monthly Eastern Massachusetts ARES Net for May 2014

Hello to all…

A reminder that the monthly ARES Net for May is rapidly approaching. The monthly ARES Net for May is Monday May 5th, 2014, at 8:30 PM on the MMRA Repeater system. This is after the MEMA Nets earlier in the evening. For frequencies that will be linked into the ARES Net on the MMRA Network, please see the following link from the MMRA web site detailing the repeaters that will be linked in through Hub 1:

In addition, if the Echo-IRLP node on the MMRA hub is available, we will likely link that to the New England Reflector system on IRLP 9123/Echolink Conference *NEW-ENG* Node: 9123.

Make this first Monday of the month, “Emergency Communications Night” and check into your local RACES Net and then check into the ARES Net on the MMRA Repeater System. We look forward to your participation and remember, we are always looking for Net Controls to run the ARES Net.

We will have several interesting announcements for the net that evening and we look forward to everyone’s participation. Updates will be posted via email and on the Eastern Massachusetts ARES Web Site at

Thanks for your continued support of ARES!

Respectfully Submitted,

Robert Macedo (KD1CY)
ARES SKYWARN Coordinator
Eastern Massachusetts ARES Section Emergency Coordinator
Home Phone #: (508) 994-1875 (After 6 PM)
Home/Data #: (508) 997-4503 (After 6 PM)
Work Phone #: 508-346-2929 (8 AM-5 PM)
Email Address:

Reminder: Eastern Massachusetts Hospital Net – Saturday May 3rd, 2014 at 1000 AM EDT

Hello Everyone,

Net Control for the  April 3, 2014 Eastern MA Hospital Net will be the South Shore Hospital Amateur Radio Club. They will be conducting the NET from South Shore Hospital.  The net will commence at the usual time of 10am using the following repeaters in the order listed.

1. Plymouth 146.685 cts 82.5
2. W. Bridgewater 146.775 dcs 244
3. Belmont 145.430 cts 67.0

We will NOT be conducting a simplex test this month.

The Net will then return to the Plymouth Repeater for final comments and net closing.

NET Protocol: Please wait for Net Control to ask for Check-ins. When asked to check in please use the standard net check in procedure which is:   Here is.., un-key, wait 3 seconds to check for doubling, then give your or your facilities call sign, your first name, and your facility’s name.

We extend an invitation to the EOC of any city or town that is served by one of our participating hospitals to join the Net. We also extend an invitation to any RACES or ARES member to check in during the NET.

We are always looking for more groups or organizations to take Net Control duties. If you are interested please let us know. Our goal is to rotate Net Control practice and the experience among as many groups as possible.

Any hospital wishing to join the net that needs assistance with equipment or personnel should contact us at or Carl Aveni at We can assist with getting your location on the air.

We thank the repeater trustees for their generosity in allowing us to conduct the monthly nets and the use of their systems in an actual event. The following list of repeaters are available for our use. Only a few systems are used each month with the selection of those used made by Net Control for that month.  More systems are being added to the list on a regular basis.

Attleboro 147.195 tone 127.3
Belmont 145.430 tone 67.0
Bridgewater 147.180 tone 67.0
Danvers 145.47 tone 136.5
Dartmouth 147.000 tone 67.0 
Fairhaven 145.490 tone 67.0   
Fall River 146.805. tone 67.0
Falmouth 147.375 tone 110.9
Mansfield EMA  446.925 tone 100.0
Mansfield 147.015 tone 67.0
Norwell 145.390 tone 67.0     
Norwood 147.210 tone 100.00
Plymouth 146.685 tone 82.5
Salem 146.88 tone 118.8       
Sharon 146.865 tone 103.5   
Weymouth 224.580 tone 100.0
W. Bridgewater 146.775 dpl 244
Wrentham 147.09 tone 146.2

We look forward to hearing you all on the Net.


John O’Neill
South Shore Hospital Amateur Radio Club – W1SSH
55 Fogg Road, Mail Stop #25
South Weymouth, MA 02190

Reminder: Eastern Massachusetts Hospital Net – Saturday May 3rd, 2014 at 1000 AM EDT

Hello Everyone,

Net Control for the  April 3, 2014 Eastern MA Hospital Net will be the South Shore Hospital Amateur Radio Club. They will be conducting the NET from South Shore Hospital.  The net will commence at the usual time of 10am using the following repeaters in the order listed.

1. Plymouth 146.685 cts 82.5
2. W. Bridgewater 146.775 dcs 244
3. Belmont 145.430 cts 67.0

We will NOT be conducting a simplex test this month.

The Net will then return to the Plymouth Repeater for final comments and net closing.

NET Protocol: Please wait for Net Control to ask for Check-ins. When asked to check in please use the standard net check in procedure which is:   Here is.., un-key, wait 3 seconds to check for doubling, then give your or your facilities call sign, your first name, and your facility’s name.

We extend an invitation to the EOC of any city or town that is served by one of our participating hospitals to join the Net. We also extend an invitation to any RACES or ARES member to check in during the NET.

We are always looking for more groups or organizations to take Net Control duties. If you are interested please let us know. Our goal is to rotate Net Control practice and the experience among as many groups as possible.

Any hospital wishing to join the net that needs assistance with equipment or personnel should contact us at or Carl Aveni at We can assist with getting your location on the air.

We thank the repeater trustees for their generosity in allowing us to conduct the monthly nets and the use of their systems in an actual event. The following list of repeaters are available for our use. Only a few systems are used each month with the selection of those used made by Net Control for that month.  More systems are being added to the list on a regular basis.

Attleboro 147.195 tone 127.3
Belmont 145.430 tone 67.0
Bridgewater 147.180 tone 67.0
Danvers 145.47 tone 136.5
Dartmouth 147.000 tone 67.0 
Fairhaven 145.490 tone 67.0   
Fall River 146.805. tone 67.0
Falmouth 147.375 tone 110.9
Mansfield EMA  446.925 tone 100.0
Mansfield 147.015 tone 67.0
Norwell 145.390 tone 67.0     
Norwood 147.210 tone 100.00
Plymouth 146.685 tone 82.5
Salem 146.88 tone 118.8       
Sharon 146.865 tone 103.5   
Weymouth 224.580 tone 100.0
W. Bridgewater 146.775 dpl 244
Wrentham 147.09 tone 146.2

We look forward to hearing you all on the Net.


John O’Neill
South Shore Hospital Amateur Radio Club – W1SSH
55 Fogg Road, Mail Stop #25
South Weymouth, MA 02190

Reminder: Monthly Eastern Massachusetts ARES Net for April 2014

Hello to all…

A reminder that the monthly ARES Net for April is rapidly approaching. The monthly ARES Net for April is Monday April 7th, 2014, at 8:30 PM on the MMRA Repeater system. This is after the MEMA Nets earlier in the evening. For frequencies that will be linked into the ARES Net on the MMRA Network, please see the following link from the MMRA web site detailing the repeaters that will be linked in through Hub 1:

In addition, if the Echo-IRLP node on the MMRA hub is available, we will likely link that to the New England Reflector system on IRLP 9123/Echolink Conference *NEW-ENG* Node: 9123.

Make this first Monday of the month, “Emergency Communications Night” and check into your local RACES Net and then check into the ARES Net on the MMRA Repeater System. We look forward to your participation and remember, we are always looking for Net Controls to run the ARES Net.

We will have several interesting announcements for the net that evening and we look forward to everyone’s participation. Updates will be posted via email and on the Eastern Massachusetts ARES Web Site at

Thanks for your continued support of ARES!

Respectfully Submitted,

Robert Macedo (KD1CY)
ARES SKYWARN Coordinator
Eastern Massachusetts ARES Section Emergency Coordinator
Home Phone #: (508) 994-1875 (After 6 PM)
Home/Data #: (508) 997-4503 (After 6 PM)
Work Phone #: 508-346-2929 (8 AM-5 PM)
Email Address:

Reminder: Eastern Massachusetts Hospital Net – Saturday April 5th, 2014 at 10 AM EDT

Hello Everyone,

Net Control for the April 5, 2014 Eastern MA Hospital Net will be the South Shore Hospital Amateur Radio Club. They will conduct the NET from South Shore Hospital commencing at the usual time of 10am. The following repeaters will be used in the order listed.

1. Plymouth 146.685 tone 82.5
2. W. Bridgewater 146.775 dpl 244
3. Belmont 145.430 tone 67.0
4. Sharon 146.865 tone 103.5
5. Simplex 147.42

The Net will then return to the Plymouth Repeater for final comments and net closing.

NET Protocol: Please wait for Net Control to ask for Check-ins. When asked to check in please use the standard net check in procedure which is:   Here is.., un-key, wait 3 seconds to check for doubling, then give your or your facilities call sign, your first name, and your facility’s name.

We extend an invitation to the EOC of any city or town that is served by one of our participating hospitals to join the Net. We also extend an invitation to any RACES or ARES member to check in during the NET.

We are always looking for more groups or organizations to take Net Control duties. If you are interested please let us know. Our goal is to rotate Net Control practice and the experience among as many groups as possible.

Any hospital wishing to join the net that needs assistance with equipment or personnel should contact us at or Carl Aveni at We can assist with getting your location on the air.

We thank the repeater trustees for their generosity in allowing us to conduct the monthly nets and the use of their systems in an actual event. The following list of repeaters are available for our use. Only a few systems are used each month with the selection of those used made by Net Control for that month.  Thanks to the generosity of their Trustees more systems are being added to the list on a regular basis.

Attleboro 147.195 tone 127.3
Belmont 145.430 tone 67.0
Bridgewater 147.180 tone 67.0
Danvers 145.47 tone 136.5
Dartmouth 147.000 tone 67.0 
Fairhaven 145.490 tone 67.0   
Fall River 146.805. tone 67.0
Falmouth 147.375 tone 110.9 
Mansfield EMA 446.925 tone 100.0
Mansfield 147.015 tone 67.0
Norwell 145.390 tone 67.0     
Norwood 147.210 tone 100.00
Plymouth 146.685 tone 82.5
Salem 146.88 tone 118.8       
Sharon 146.865 tone 103.5   
W. Bridgewater 146.775 dpl 244
Wrentham 147.09 tone 146.2

We look forward to hearing you all on the Net.


John O’Neill
South Shore Hospital Amateur Radio Club – W1SSH
55 Fogg Road, Mail Stop #25
South Weymouth, MA 02190