The [New England Division] Convention Committe has granted CEMARC a place on the activity schedule to hold our summer meeting on Sunday morning at 9:00am. I hope that at least one delegate from each radio club in Eastern Mass. will take the time to attend. If you can’t attend, please ask for someone from your club to attend and represent the club.I would like to ask each delegate to submit agenda items to me as soon as possible. I realize that many clubs do not have summer meetings, so I’m asking those of you receiving this note to forward it on to your own club members for discussion topics, that would be of interest to such a potenially large audience.
Remember,CEMARC meetings are open to all amateur operators, not just the club voting delegates.
I look forward to hearing your suggestions for the agenda soon, also looking forward to meeting with all of you at the Convention.
Check for latest info.
Frank Murphy – n1dhw EMass. ACC