Hello to all,
I am Trustee for the USS Salem Radio Club – K1USN in Quincy, Ma. This e-mail is being sent to as many Ham Clubs as possible from listings on the ARRL web site. We would like to try to enlist help from the Ham community with our efforts to encourage newcomers to our great hobby.
During the past year, we have hosted 6150 Scouts as part of our onboard Overnight Scouting Program. These Scouts have come from throughout the entire New England area plus NY, NJ and PA. We even hosted 14 Scouts from the UK back in January! Part of their 24 hours onboard the USS Salem is spent being introduced to Ham Radio and Morse Code. We have two complete HF stations and a VHF/UHF station in Radio Room 5 which are part of our demonstrations onboard. Most Scouts have an opportunity to make a contact on the air and have often gotten to speak with our good friend KE6ZYK – Mike at Mc Murdo Station, Antarctica! The Scouts also receive K1USN QSL cards, Official Radioman wallet cards, ARRL literature including QST magazines and most importantly- AN INTEREST IN AMATEUR RADIO!!
We need your assistance to help us transform these 6000 + “Sales Leads” into prospective Hams! We need to compile an accurate list of Clubs throughout this area that would be willing to give additional onsite demonstrations and offer License Classes.
Please feel free to pass this e-mail along to people from any other Ham Clubs throughout the Northeast that might be willing to assist these youngsters . Remember- The future of Amateur Radio is in the hands of EVERY Ham!