Happy Veterans Day!
Today we were able to activate K1USN from 9 AM – 3:30 PM. K1VV, K1RV, W1BT, KB1IUB, N1VTI and NI1X were on the air using both HF stations in Radio Room 5. We also activated the IRLP from Node # 4320.
We were able to work well over 100 contacts on 20-17-15 and 10 meters SSB. Band conditions were very good with many excellent signal reports from throughout the US, South America, Europe and Africa. We made many contacts with veterans from all branches of the Armed Forces.
We were able to work several other Museum Ships and also spoke with some of our friends associated with other ships that were not activated today. We did work the USS Clamagore just before they had to secure due to bad wx conditions! AA2WN-Harry said that the USS New Jersey is gearing up for this year’s Scouting program.They can be contacted on IRLP Node # 3740. VA3USN-John told us that the HCMS Haida was due to enter dry-dock within the next 10 days and several of their members have been spending time onboard the USS The Sullivans and USS Croaker. They expect more activity from the USS Little Rock soon. They also hope to get active on the IRLP soon.
The USS Kid was quite active and we did work them several times using the IRLP on Node # 8560 but not on HF. They also had well over 100 QSO’s today.
We spoke with one of the guys from the USS Hornet Radio Club – NB6GC, who tried to “hook us up” on 15 meters. We never did get to work them, but I did speak with several stations who had worked them. They may also be getting active with IRLP soon.
There were many stations working the USS Missouri – KH6BB today, but we never seemed to have good propagation to Pearl Harbor. Perhaps we should have tried the Echolink which was quite successful during the Museum Ships Weekend!
Thanks to all who participated today and encourage any other Museum Ships to let us know if they were active for Veterans Day.
73 , Pi – K1RV / K1USN