HSAS Raised to Orange

The Homeland Security Advisory Level has been raised to Orange in anticipation of negative activities associated with the US commencing military operations.Please ensure that your home and mobile stations are working properly by participating in weekly nets and occasional simplex nets. Please pay particular attention to your emergency power systems. As before, please carry your handheld radios whenever you can. Remember, you can serve best only when your family is safe and supplied properly. Please visit the DHS website http://www.ready.gov , or the FEMA website, http://www.fema.gov/library/prepandprev.shtm site for further information. Other information about our program can be found on our website, http://ares.ema.arrl.org.

My best to you and your family. 73,

Michael P. Neilsen, W1MPN
978.562.5662 Admin
978.389.0558 FAX/Secondary

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