K9HI writes:
“I’m pleased to announce the appointment of Jim Duarte, N1IV to serve as the E.MA. Public Information Coordinator. Jim is a member of the Sturdy Memorial Hospital ARC and is their Public Relations Manager. He has held the position of ARRL Public Information Officer for the Attleboro area for about two years. Jim is also involved with the Sturdy ARES group and SKYWARN as well as Plainville EMA/RACES. His other interests include computer graphics, woodworking and golf!
“Jim has a small, home based graphic design business and has developed a successful marketing campaign for the Sturdy club. He also designed and maintains their web site. “Jim’s background in business marketing and promotion combined with his interest in ham radio have helped him with his public relations duties. N1IV looks forward to promoting our hobby, helping grow our membership and working with the section staff. He also looks forward to working closely with the section P.I.O. and PR Managers.
“Please join me in welcoming Jim Duarte, N1IV to this important leadership position.”