Chris Smith, K1CJS writes:
“There will be an simulated emergency communications drill on November 8th between 9 AM and 1 PM that is being staged by the SE Mass ARES/Skywarn leadership. [The Bristol County Repeater Association] will be participating and will be providing input to the National Weather Service in Taunton.
The club emergency communications group and anyone else who is interested in participating is welcome to do so.
We will be utilizing the 440 machine primarily for the exercise as a test of the effective communications coverage in the city (especially the waterfront and low lying areas) and will use the 2 meter machine if needed for backup and for any participant who doesn’t have 70 cm capability.
Further details of the exercise will be posted on the reflector in the coming week, as well as the area frequencies that will be used.
73 and take care,
Chris, K1CJS