KA1MOM@aol.com writes:
This e-mail is being sent to [amateurs] who happen to live in the Rep. Capuano’s district; please do not pass it along to hams in other congressional districts.
From the Allston-Brighton TAB, 1/9/04:
On Sunday, Jan. 11 from 1 to 2:30 p.m., U.S. Representative Mike Capuano, D-8th, will host a community meeting at the Brighton Marine Health Center, 77 Warren St. All are encouraged to attend.
“Since I took office, I’ve hosted similar meetings throughout the 8th Congressional District. They are excellent opportunities to hear directly from constituents. If you have something on your mind, or if you would simply like to hear what others are thinking, please join us. I look forward to seeing you,” said Capuano.
Residents will have the opportunity to ask Capuano questions about the issues that most concern them. For additional information, please contact the district office at 617-621-6208.
As mentioned on the ARRL Web, this is our chance to let our congressman know that there are reasons he should support H.R. 713 (the Amateur Radio Spectrum Protection Act) and H.R. 1478 (the Amateur Radio Emergency Communications Consistency Act).
I will be there with data on hams in the MA congressional districts, ARES and homeland security, etc.
-= Bill McIninch, Jr. KA1MOM =-
PIO, Metro Boston