Mark Duff, KB1EKN writes:
The Eastern Mass ARES staff will be conducting its annual winter Simulated Emergency Test (SET). The goal of the test is to simulate a winter storm-driven, large scale, long-term power outage. This is an ideal exercise to participate from your home. The exercise will begin at 1000 a.m. and end sometime after 1200 p.m. local time.
Please tune to your local RACES 2M repeater frequency and/or to 146.64 to participate.
All ARES members and interested amateurs are invited and encourage to participate.
The events of August, 2003 which plunged much of the eastern part of the country into darkness has once again illustrated our vulnerability to massive power outages and the many problems associated with loss of power. It also once again bought out the importance of amateur radio communications.
Additional information on ARES and the exercise is available on the Eastern Mass ARES web site at
You may also email me directly if you have any further questions to:
Mark Duff, KB1EKN
Metro-Boston DEC