Art Geary WA1ART wrote on MMRA reflector:
W1E is a special event call sign used each year at the Eastern States Exposition (The Big E) on Friday, September 17 through October 3, 2004 in West Springfield Massachusetts.
I have put together a web page for this event:
We would like to invite other hams from all over New England to join us in the booth by volunteering your time for one day or more. Entrance passes and parking pass will be provided free. We want 4-6 volunteers for each shift.
We will have working HF and VHF-UHF radios set up. We meet the fairgoers and talk about Amateur Radio. We will give out ARRL information about clubs and ham classes close to the fairgoers’ home towns.
You can highlight your club, put up its banner, recruit new members, and still have time to tour the Big E.
For more information e-mail me, Art Geary WA1ART at , Norm Gregoire, W1BMK, or visit
Art Geary WA1ART
Ham Radio Committee
New England Center Building
Eastern States Exposition