Members of the South Shore Fox Hunters held a successful hunt on March 12 near the Monponsett Ponds. Roy Logan, KB1CYV and George Davis, KC1FZ were hiding on a boat ramp off Route 58.
The fox was first found by Walter MacNeil, W1WMN. W1WMN participated for the first time with the South Shore Fox Hunters on February 28.
Veteran fox hunters “with 6 and 7 years of experience were seen scratching their heads and heard mumbling something about beginners luck.”
It’s great fun, a great challenge, and it happens weekly!
Shown here (L-R): Bruce Hayden, NI1X; Roy Logan, KB1CYV; George Davis, KC1FZ; Gil Follett, W1GMF; Walter MacNeil, W1WMN; Loren Pimentel, N1IQI; Walt Fitzgerald, N1LHD; Jennifer, with Mike Marinucci, N1FRV
—Whitman ARC Spectrum March 2004