I note in the September QST (pg 40) of the celebration of Hiram Percy Maxim\’s Birthday, from September 2nd through the 12th.
This is an ideal time for the section management of the ARRL, ARES, etc to \”talk up\” the section, and who\’s involved, especially to the newer hams.
In North Carolina, for the 125th celebration, we organized a statewide net that linked up several repeaters in the state, and had every qualified station that could(ARRL Field Positions), check in to the net. Then all other checkins were taken, from any ham station.
All of the non-qualifying stations got \”credit for a contact\” with all of the qualifying stations, so were able to qualify for the certificate offered by the ARRL for the event.
But even more important, each non-qualifying station became aware of WHO THEIR SECTION LEADERSHIP WAS, local as well as state-wide.
The net was long, in fact so long we decided to extend it to the next evening, so it totaled up to be a six-hour net!
It is perhaps too late to try and organize something this year, but perhaps it\’s something for the future.
For now, if you\’re a Field Appointee, please consider signing \”callsign/135\” for the duration of the event!
David Bodman, KD4CLJ