Harold “Pi” Pugh, K1RV writes:
“I want to give everyone an update on the K1USN Six Meter repeater. The repeater will soon be located on the Cohasset water tower thanks to the dedicated work of a few individuals. This will give increased coverage and will allow for better access and control of repeater operations.
This repeater will round out our stable of repeaters in the South Coast. The South Coastal Affiliated Radio Clubs – SCARC (SCARC because the people on the south shore are members of many clubs SNS, Marconi, Salem, Capeway,Whitman ARC, etc. )will have 145.39 (IRLP) 443.6 (ECHOLINK) 145.25 and 53.33 machines for their usage. (These repeaters are open for all to use!)
This new site will provide excellent 6 meter coverage from Cape Cod to NH and will be the first 6 meter repeater that is in our backyards. Since this repeater will be one of the local machines we are asking for small donations to help defray the costs. One of the guys just ordered 350 feet of cable and we would like to help him out with the costs. We are also looking for a 70 cm control receiver.
If anyone can help with a small donation it would be greatly appreciated. If you can help then send your donation to:
Bob Callahan – W1QWT
56 Acorn St.
Scituate, MA. 02066
Bob’s e-mail address is w1qwt@comcast.net
I’d also like to let everyone know that NS1N and KC1HO have been busy upgrading both Norwell repeaters. They will have lots of exciting features.
They have purchased new Kenwood repeaters for both the (443.600 88.5HZ)UHF and (145.250 77HZ) VHF machines. Also the VHF machine has a new Hustler G144-7 antenna and lowloss hard-line. A new controller with many exciting features is controlling these machines.
A Kenwood transceiver has been purchased and hooked up to allow the linking of these machines to other area repeaters and the UHF machine has had upgrades to its echolink system.
Anyone wishing to support this system please contact NS1N-
Karl’s e-mail address is ns1n@msn.com
Our November 11th Veterans Day 2004 operation was a tremendous success! We had a dozen operators and made over 500 contacts on HF, VHF and IRLP. Thanks to all who helped make this a success! HRO even loaned us an IC-756-PRO-II from their Salem, NH store!
73, Pi – K1RV / K1USN