J.C. Cunningham, W1AI writes on K1USN@YahooGroups.com:
What if we had an opportunity to demonstrate amateur radio to 73 youngsters – the potential next generation of hams – and nobody showed up?
I still need volunteers for Saturday, 2/12/2005, from 3pm to 6pm, to demonstrate amateur radio to scouts visiting the USS Salem.
Please email me at W1AI@hamtestonline.com if you can help! If I do not have at least 3 more volunteers by Friday morning, I will be forced to cancel again! We’ve been doing that a lot recently! Let’s not let another group of scouts down this weekend!
No prior experience is necessary. We can train you!
Live too far away from Quincy, MA? You can still help! I’m looking for someone to take over the task of volunteer coordinator. No prior experience on the USS Salem is required. We can train you! All you need is reliability and good people skills!