Walpole Emergency Management is pleased to announce our second CERT training course. This training program will begin on Tuesday Night April 19th and end on June 21st. One Saturday Morning or early evening outside class will also be held. CERT (Citizen Emergency Response Team) training progtam is one of the programs that was first established in California after the North Bridge Earthquakes and was subsequently adopted under the Department of Homeland Security, Citizen Corps initaitive. The CERT program is a 10-week program that includes the following modules and a field activity.The CERT Program training includes modules on:
1.) Disaster Preparedness and the CERT program
2.) Fire Safety
3.) Disaster Medical Operations, Part 1
4.) Disaster Medical Operations, Part 2
5.) Light Search and Rescue
6.) Introduction to Incident Command System (ICS) and CERT Organization
7.) Disaster Psychology
8.) Terrorism and CERT
9.) Intro to Neighborhood Watch and other programs
The instructors for this program will be Philip Dubois, EMT, CPR and National Safety Council Instructor; Steve Smith, Captain, Walpole Fire Department, Fred Leland, Lieutenant, Walpole Police Department and other guest speakers. Roger Turner-W1ZSA, Walpole EMA Director is the course coordinator.
This course is made possible with the assistance of a Massachusetts Home Land Security, Region 5, Citizen Corps, CERT grant.
Amateur Radio Technician Class licensing course will be offered during the summer and other programs are in the planning stages.
For more information about Citizen Corps, go to http://www.citizencorps.com/ or contact Roger Turner-W1ZSA at 508-660-7365.
An application for the program is available at the Walpole Police Sation, 972 Main Street in Walpole Massachusetts. 1 1