Massachusetts Statewide Hurricane Sophia Exericse Update

The Massachusetts Statewide Hurricane Sophia Exercise is Monday June 6th from 7-9 PM. Briefings were held at the MEMA Framingham State EOC and the MEMA Region II Headquarters in Bridgewater on May 14th and 16th respectively. ARES members and SKYWARN Spotters are urged to participate in this drill. The National Hurricane Center station, WX4NHC, will participate via VoIP (meaning Voice Over Internet through Echolink/IRLP). A document describing operations has been sent out to the various email lists and has been posted to this web site. The link on the web site is under the training section of the main menu. The document describes ARES, SKYWARN interaction in this drill and how the sealed envelope RACES scenario will get distributed over the air to inform participants on how the exercise scenario is unfolding.

Please contact myself or your ARES EC/DEC with any questions on this exercise and we look forward to working with everyone on this very important drill for our section.


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