An innovative ham radio promotional activity called “Bring Your HT To Work Day” is gathering national momentum.
“On June 21st we are encouraging all hams in the US that have an HT to take it with them to work. Wear it on your belt, put it on your desk or some other place where your co-workers can see it. We hope that it will raise curiosity and questions,” writes John Williams, KF4VGX on the web site.
“This is a chance for you to talk to them about ham radio! At lunchtime, show them how it works. Make some contacts while they are watching. Even better, let them talk on the radio. Then invite your co-workers to come see you at Field Day weekend.”
Williams requests all participants of “Take Your HT To Work Day” to send in a report afterwards to ARRL Headquarters, at:
HT Workday
225 Main St
Newington, CT 06111
Include in the report: your callsign; the number of non-hams who observed you making contacts; how many non-hams spoke over your radio; and, how many non-hams indicated they would visit your Field Day site.
The people with the highest activity levels will be eligible for prizes, including the new ARRL Handbook, or Antenna Book or Operating Manual.
According to Williams, there will be monitors on various repeaters randomly scattered throughout the country. “If you’re heard during the lunch hour from 12 noon to 1 PM local time demonstrating ham radio to a non-ham, you may automatically win a new ARRL Repeater Directory.”
In addition, W1AW will be checking into repeaters and sites across the country via EchoLink, giving away repeater directories to hams who participate in Bring Your HT To Work Day.
This is a chance to have a lot of fun, recruit new hams, invite people to Field Day, get publicity, and show off Amateur Radio. “I hope you have fun and make the most of it,” adds Williams.