Hello to all….
MEMA Region II-Bridgewater Headquarters is looking for additional Amateur Radio Operators to staff their facility during the Monthly ARES/RACES Net which is on the first Monday of each month except when there is a legal holiday on the first Monday. When a legal holiday is on the first Monday, the net is moved to the second Monday of the month. Bob Mims-WA1OEZ writes the following:
The Region II MEMA Team in Bridgewater is looking for amateur volunteers interested in emergency communications to join our team. During an emergency the Region II Headquarters in Bridgewater serves as the focal point for Southeastern Mass., Cape Cod and the Islands. We also conduct the monthly RACES Training Nets for Region II. We are looking for a few operators to bring our team up to the proper number of trained operators.
Anyone interested should contact Bob Mims, WA1OEZ, Region II Radio Officer, either via e-mail to wa1oez@arrl.net, or by phone at 508-823-7443 evenings. Please cc Rob Macedo-KD1CY at rmacedo@rcn.com if you express interest to Bob in becoming a MEMA Region II Operator. Respectfully Submitted,
Robert Macedo (KD1CY)
ARES SKYWARN Coordinator
Eastern Massachusetts ARES Section Emergency Coordinator
Pager #: (508) 354-3142
Home Phone #: (508) 994-1875 (After 6 PM)
Home/Data #: (508) 997-4503 (After 6 PM)
Work Phone #: 1-800-445-2588 Ext.: 72929 (8 AM-5 PM)
Email Address: rmacedo@rcn.com