Boxboro 2006: Call For Speakers And Organizations

Boxboro conventionOrganizers for the 2006 ARRL New England Division Convention (Boxboro) are calling for speakers and other participants to register for inclusion in the program.

According to Boxboro Program Chairman Ken Caruso, WO1N, “We are well into the planning phases of the 2006 edition. This is a call for speakers and other participants to help fill out the program aspects of the convention.”

Caruso says that previous presentors are more than welcome to volunteer for a return engagement. He adds, “We have some 50-plus hours of programming to fill.”

Clubs and organizations (e.g., NESMC, CEMARC, MARS) are especially welcome to hold open forums or closed meetings at the convention. Caruso is asking that these groups consider signing up for Sunday time slots.

Please note the new dates for the convention this year: August 25, 26 and 27. Visit for the latest news and information about the convention.

Ken Caruso, WO1N may be contacted by emailing WO1N@ARRL.NET or calling 978-952-5377 (Days), 978-663-3027 (Evenings).

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