CAARA Considers Forming Emergency Communications Team

CAARA logoThe Cape Ann Amateur Radio Association‘s board of directors is exploring the formation of an active emergency communications team, according to CAARA member Curtis Wright, AA3JE.

“We are all hams, and hams have a proud and honorable tradition of rising to assist in times of trouble,” writes AA3JE. “But in the modern era it takes more than good intentions to be useful and effective.”

Wright says that CAARA needs to be prepared in advance “to fit into the already existing ARES and RACES structures, needs to have its emergency materials and procedures in place and ready to go, and to have identified individuals who are trained, ready and willing to help.”

Wright encourages any interested CAARA member to contact him by phone or at, or to contact any CAARA officer.

“If we are ready, we can be of use, but if we wait until the emergency develops, we will not. This is a real chance to do something that matters.”

Thanks, CAARA “Stanwood News” May, 2006

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