A new, as-yet unnamed QRP club will begin holding bi-weekly field trips beginning Sunday, June 18, according to SEMARA member and QRP enthusiast Ron Silvia, WB1HGA.
“We meet by 11:00 a.m. at [the Southeastern MA ARA] club house to discuss particulars: food, location, equipment, et cetera.”
Silvia says that the planned dates are: June 18, July 2, 16, 30, August 13, 27, and September 10 and 24.
WB1HGA writes that there are few requirements to participate: an HF radio that can be powered by battery, a portable antenna, and perhaps a small table and chair. Silvia will be happy to answer any questions; his email address is roncasa@verizon.net.
“This new QRP group has only one rule,” says Silvia. “No rules, just fun!
[See also: QRP, QRPp, Kit Building Interest Group Forming in S.E. Massachusetts]