Tom Kinahan, N1CPE writes on
Hi Everyone!
We’ve been working on a bunch of things for the Boxboro New England Division ARRL convention on August 25, 26, and 27th.
Here are a few things we’re planning:
Friday August 25:
9am-5pm ICS-100 Training. This is one of the requirements to work with any Emergency Management and even NGOs like Red Cross and Salvation Army, going forward.
1pm-5pm Hurricanes – by Rob Macedo
See the Boxoboro Website for details here:
On Saturday August 26:
10am-11am Winlink 2000 with DoC, W1EO and I, N1CPE
11am-12pm The New Standard for Emergency Communications with Don Carlton, W3DEC and I, N1CPE
12pm-1pm SKYWARN with Rob Macedo, KD1CY
1pm-2pm SEC Forum hosted by Rob Macedo, KD1CY
On Saturday we also have confirmation that MEMA will have the Mobile EOC from 9am to 5pm on site for tours.
On Sunday August 27:
10am-11am Introduction to Digital Amateur Radio – Steve Schwarm, W3EVE (Not directly EMComm related, but by a member of this group)
See the Boxboro web site for Saturday and Sunday here:
There are many more events happening as well. We’re working to complete the signup forms for the ICS-100 class and when we do, we’ll try to get the widest distribution possible of that event information.
We can always use friendly faces in the crowds, so please help start get the words on out these opportunities.
-Tom Kinahan N1CPE