A number of field day groups have posted URLs to on-line collections of photos, videos, etc. of their Field Day operations.
In no particular order:
Police Amateur Radio Team http://home.comcast.net/%7Epkrc/FD_Collage.jpg (KB1MCS)
Waltham ARA http://n1jdu.org/wara/wara_slideshow1.ram (N1JDU)
Wellesley ARS/Framingham ARA http://www.fara.org/gallery/v/FD2006/?g2_navId=xed345cd3 (WA1HAM)
“The Green Bean” http://www.train-sim.com/landrover/fd06.htm (K1UR/K1NR)
Billerica ARS/MITRE-Bedford ARC http://home.comcast.net/~n1rxv/barsfd06_w/ulthm1.htm (N1RXV)
Braintree Emergency Management Agency (ARRL web site!) http://www.arrl.org/contests/soapbox/index.html?con_id=106&ofst=30 (N1PAY)
We will post additional photo links in the form of comments to this post as they become known. -Phil]