Public Service Volunteer Opportunities in the New England Division
January 10, 2007
Listing public events at which Amateur Radio communications is providing a public service and for which additional volunteers from the Amateur Community are needed and welcome. Please contact the person listed to identify how you may serve and what equipment you may need to bring.
The most up-to-date copy of this list is maintained as
**** Every event listed is looking for communications volunteers ****
Date Location Event Contact Tel/Email Apr 16 Hopkinton MA Boston Marathon Steve W3EVE 508.922.9688 to Boston MA please register via
This list is published periodically as demand warrants by Stan KD1LE and Ralph KD1SM. Our usual distribution is via packet to NEBBS, via Internet mail to the arrl-nediv-list and ema-arrl distribution lists, and on the World Wide Web. If other mailing list owners wish us to distribute via their lists we will be happy to oblige. Permission is herewith granted to republish this list in its entirety provided credit is given to the authors and the Web address below is included. Send comments, corrections, and updates to:
(via packet) KD1SM@K1UGM.#EMA.MA.USA,
(via Internet) KD1SM@ARRL.NET.
We make an attempt to confirm entries with the coordinator unless the information is from another published source. We very much appreciate the assistance we have been receiving from our ‘scouts’; everyone is welcome to send us postings.
Refer to for the most recent version of the PSLIST.