The Police Amateur Radio Team of Westford is sponsoring two unique “contests” for the benefit of its members.
According to PART’s Terry Stader, KA8SCP, “In the first part–the radio contest–you must provide an exact location of the furthest point you’ve been able to use the 146.955 or 442.450 repeater.” Stader adds that one must “either have a verified conversation with someone” or generate a touch tone response on the repeater that returns the time and date. Your location should be measured by GPS coordinates, or nearest street address/intersection.
The second contest, involving photography, will be won by the person who is “furthest geographically” from the repeater site and can physically see it “without the aid of visual enhancement” and take a photo to prove it. Stader writes that “recording it with a zoom lens is acceptable.”
“Using Google Earth or other satellite/aerial views from a website are not allowed,” adds KA8SCP. “[Traveling to] mountain top locations is acceptable.”
“The contest ends when the first leaves start appearing on the trees. That should give us plenty of time to wander the country-side to make your observations. The observations must occur during the contest period.”
Contest entry deadlines will be announced when the contest period is closed and announced via e-mail and on the club’s website. The winners will be awarded PART gear decorated with the club’s new logo design.