Students at the recent Framingham Amateur Radio Association‘s License-In-A-Weekend course braved brutal winter weather conditions but they persevered, according to Director of Training Ed Weiss, W1NXC. Of the seven students, all earned their Technician licenses at the weekend course.
“Congratulations to an outstanding group of students who braved the tough weather and a great bunch of teachers! It was a pleasure to participate,” wrote FARA’s Lee Gartenberg, K1GL.
“The Friday night ice/snow storm only had one topic, so we squeezed it into Saturday with no real problems,” added W1NXC. “In fact, it points out that we could do this in just two days.”
Weiss was ably assisted by volunteer instructors N1DB, W1EQW, K1KEB, K1GL, KA1AXY, W1VIV and KA1HGL.
The course marked Framingham ARA’s 14th class, which the club began in 1995. According to Weiss, FARA has introduced 165 people to the Amateur Radio hobby, some as young as 9 and as old as 89!