Wellesley ARS club president Dan Brown, W1DAN is a featured author in the August, 2007 issue of Monitoring Times with an article entitled WRNO: Can This Station Be Saved?
From the article:
“Off the air since the late 1990s and sold to the Good News Outreach group in 2001, monitors began to suspect that restoring WRNO was just a pipe dream. But stay tuned: Dr. Mawire’s pipe may yet get lit before the end of this year.
“WRNO is a station with a colorful past remembered with fondness by many. Attempts to revive the station were impeded by Hurricanes Cindy and Katrina. If the transmitter site can avoid further damage this hurricane season, the old girl may find new life as a religious station broadcasting to the Middle East.”
The magazine cover features a photo of W1DAN as he surveys a broken feedline during his visit to the transmitter site in 2006.