“CQ CQ CQ This Is Whiskey One Alpha Whiskey”

TACG members at W1AWMembers of Taunton Area Communications Group visited ARRL headquarters to tour the facilities and operate ARRL Headquarters station, W1AW. The group visited the research lab, where they saw “staff engineers tinker with new commercial radios for product review and home-brew radios and antennas of all kinds.” They also toured the office of ARRL President Joel Harrison, W5ZN, as well as the Field and Educational Services, Advertising, DXCC, and Contesting.

The highlight of any trip to ARRL Headquarters is operating the Hiram Percy Maxim Memorial Station, W1AW. The group was honored and excited to make 22 QSOs on 17 meters using an Icom 781 and eight QSOs on 20 meters with a Yaesu FT-1000. Contacts were made with Belgium, England, France, Germany, Finland and the Canary Islands as stations “lined up” for contacts with the TACG W1AW guest operators.

Shown here: L to R: KB1LXH, W1VFB, WP4US, K1BAR, and NI1X

–Thanks, TACG Newsletter, October, 2007

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